[hep-th] PhD workshop "Rethinking Foundations of Physics 2016" (fwd)

Marko Vojinovic vmarko at ipb.ac.rs
Tue Oct 20 23:09:57 CEST 2015

Najava workshop-a nize moze da bude interesantna PhD studentima i svezim 
doktorima, izmedju ostalog i zbog toga sto organizatori nude i finansijsku 
podrsku u izvesnoj meri.

Sve najbolje, :-)

Dr. Marko Vojinovic
Group of Mathematical Physics
University of Lisbon
home page: www.markovojinovic.com
e-mail:    vmarko at ipb.ac.rs

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Dear colleagues,

we would like to make you aware of an event which we are organising in March 
next year, and we kindly ask you to distribute this advertisement as you see 

PhD workshop "Rethinking Foundations of Physics 2016"

The idea is to gather highly motivated PhD students interested in fundamental 
questions of physics (such as quantum gravity) in one stimulating and creative

Best regards,
Franz Gmeineder (Univ. of Oxford)
Johannes Kleiner (Univ. of Regensburg)
Robin Lorenz (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Jan-Hendrik Treude (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)


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