[hep-th] Ricard Sabo - kolokvijum na fakultetu
Branislav Cvetkovic
cbranislav at ipb.ac.rs
Sat Apr 7 23:47:07 CEST 2018
Postovane kolege,
U sredu 11. aprila u 11 h na Fizickom fakultetu Ricard Sabo (Univerzitet
u Einburgu), predsedavajuci COST akcije "Quantum Structure of Spacetime
(QSPACE)", ce odrzati kolokvijum pod naslovom "Deformations of Quantum
U nastavku je apstrakt kolokvijuma.
Pozdrav Branislav
Theoretical approaches to quantum gravity suggest that the conventional
notions of space and time become meaningless at ultra-short distance
scales. In many instances, dynamics in such ensuing "fuzzy" spacetimes
be captured by certain deformations of quantum mechanics and quantum
theory. In this lecture I will explain some of these deformed quantum
theories and how they may ultimately teach us something about quantum
gravity. I will explain how these theoretical consequences can connect
real-world measurable quantities, and analyse in detail a simple
deformation of quantum mechanics which may be realised in a table-top
experiment. From the theoretical side, I will explain how these quantum
systems are related to the nonassociative algebras of observables
in the beginnings of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory by
von Neumann, Wigner and others to study the mathematical and conceptual
foundations of quantum theory.
Institute of Physics Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
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