[hep-th] Seminar grupe za gravitaciju, cestice i polja, 20. januar 2023.

Marija Dimitrijevic Ciric dmarija at ipb.ac.rs
Tue Jan 17 20:12:42 CET 2023

Zdravo svima,

evo najave nastavka  mini kursa o kategorijama. Marko Vojinovic 
(Institut za fiziku) ce svoje cetvrto predavanje odrzati u petak 20. 

Naslov:  Introduction to category theory and n-groups (part 4)

Asptrakt: In the fourth lecture, we finally perform the first step in 
the categorical ladder procedure.
We will first introduce the notion of a 2-category (both the strict and 
weak versions), the
notion of a 2-group, and the notion of a crossed module. Then we will 
discuss various
properties specific to strict 2-groups, their equivalence to crossed 
modules, and a couple
of examples relevant for physics.

The lectures are based on material from papers arXiv:q-alg/9705009 and 

Seminar pocinje u 11:15 uzivo na Fizickom fakultetu u sali 665.



Marija Dimitrijevic Ciric

University of Belgrade
Faculty of Physics
Studentski trg 12-16
11000 Belgrade

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