[hep-th] Seminar grupe za gravitaciju, čestice i polja, petak, 12. april 2024.

dgocanin dgocanin at ipb.ac.rs
Tue Apr 9 23:35:34 CEST 2024

Zdravo svima,

najavljujem da će u petak, 12. aprila, Guillaume Trojani (Heriot-Watt 
University, Edinburgh, UK) održati seminar na Institutu za fiziku.


Naslov: Perturbiner expansion: old and new

Apstrakt: In their seminal, Berends and Giele identified an efficient 
algorithm for computing n-point tree level scattering amplitudes in 
gauge theory. Later, the pertubiner expansion was developed to generate 
the Berends-Giele recursion relation to study any quantum field theory 
at tree level. This talk aims to reintroduce these techniques in the 
light of the modern language of homotopy algebras, with an eye towards 
the recent development of loop level techniques. Indeed, the recursion 
relations are natural consequences of the Homotopy perturbation lemma 
relating an interacting field theory and its underlying free theory. 
Time permitting, I will comment on current work where we apply this 
algebraic machinery to braided field theories, which are noncommutative 
field theories deformed in a controlled manner.


Seminar počinje u 11:15 uživo na Institutu za fiziku u sali 360 na 2. 
spratu. Osim toga, seminar se može pratiti i preko linka



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