[hep-th] PhD pozicija u Torinu

Mihailo Čubrović cubrovic at ipb.ac.rs
Wed Jun 5 22:01:20 CEST 2024

Drage kolege,

Po Marcovoj molbi prosleđujem reklamu za PhD poziciju na Univerzitetu 
Torino. Marcova oblast je uglavnom CFT, posebno defect CFTs, conformal 
bootstrap a u poslednje vreme i holografske CFTs.



Dear all, there is an opening for a PhD position starting next fall at 
the University of Torino, under the supervision of Marco Meineri.

The application deadline is June 20th. The position is reserved to 
students who got their master degree abroad.

Please share the news with your master students, and tell them to hurry 

(Project n.30 under Physics)

Please contact Marco for details about the position and questions on how 
to apply.


Dr. Mihailo Čubrović

Center for the Study of Complex Systems
Institute of Physics Belgrade
National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia

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