[hep-th] Seminar grupe za gravitaciju, čestice i polja, petak, 17. maj 2024.

dgocanin dgocanin at ipb.ac.rs
Wed May 15 21:49:13 CEST 2024

Zdravo svima,

najavljujem da će u petak, 17. maja, Pavle Stipsić (Institut za fiziku u 
Beogradu) održati seminar na Institutu za fiziku.


Naslov: Symmetry breaking mechanisms of the 3BF action for the Standard 
Model coupled to gravity

Apstrakt: We study the details of the explicit and spontaneous symmetry 
breaking of the constrained 3BF action representing the Standard Model 
coupled to Einstein-Cartan gravity. First, we discuss how each 
particular constraint breaks the original symmetry of the topological 
3BF action. Then we investigate the spontaneous symmetry breaking and 
the Higgs mechanism for the electroweak theory in the constrained 3BF 
form, in order to demonstrate that they can indeed be performed in the 
framework of higher gauge theory. A formulation of the Proca action as a 
constrained 3BF theory is also studied in detail.


Seminar počinje u 11:15 uživo na Institutu za fiziku u sali 360 na 2. 
spratu. Osim toga, seminar se može pratiti i preko linka



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