[hep-th] Predavanje o TQFT, petak 24. maj

dgocanin dgocanin at ipb.ac.rs
Wed May 22 00:55:59 CEST 2024

Drage kolege,

Najavljujem predavanje (uvodni mini kurs) o topološkoj kvantnoj teoriji 
polja koje će Dušan Đorđević održati studentuma u petak, 24. maja, u 
Plavoj sali (665) na FF-u, od 11h. Iako je predavanje prilagođeno 
studentima i stoga pedagoškog karaktera, možda ima i starijih koji bi 
bili zainteresovani da ga čuju i svi ste naravno dobrodošli.


Naslov: Topological quantum field theory

Apstrakt: In this two-hour mini-course, we will present the motivation 
for studying topological quantum field theory (TQFT), give a formulation 
of TQFT, and work out a two-dimensional example. The lecture is intended 
for final-year undergraduate students, but anyone with some basic 
knowledge of quantum mechanics and mathematical physics (vector spaces, 
group theory) should be able to follow it. Some background in quantum 
field theory is welcomed, but not necessary for most of the talk (we 
will use relativistic quantum mechanics and/or quantum field theory only 
to motivate our study).



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