[hep-th] Семинар групе за гравитацију, честице и поља, четвртак, 6. март 2025.
prlina at ipb.ac.rs
Tue Mar 4 17:47:10 CET 2025
Драге колеге,
У четвртак 6. марта, у 11 сати, у сали 360 Института за физику, одржаће
се семинар наше групе.
Колега Душан Новичић (Макс Планк Институт за физику, Минхен) причаће нам
о теми "SymTFT for Axion Electrodynamics". Семинар није у нашем
уобичајеном термину како бисмо се прилагодили терминима које предавач
има на располагању.
Aпстракт предавања на енглеском: The concept of symmetry in QFT has been
generalised in the last decade by identifying symmetry with topological
defects. SymTFT, a particular topological field theory that captures
symmetries as well as "discrete" operations on qft, emerged as a very
useful tool. In this talk we will study Axion Electrodynamics, a
relatively simple model with a very rich symmetry structure, including
higher groups and noninvertible symmetries. We will describe explicitely
its symmetry topological field theory and describe how it sees all the
structure, including some anomalies that are hard to see otherwise. Time
permitting we will describe a mathematical formalism that is
particularly useful for continuous symmetries.
The talk is based on the work in progress with Markus Dierigl.
Све најбоље,
Игор Прлина
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