[Institut] IBSNP Second Circular (fwd)
Antun Balaz
antun at phy.bg.ac.yu
Thu May 27 16:55:34 CEST 2004
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Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 12:22:27 +0300
From: ibsnp <ibsnp at istanbul.edu.tr>
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Subject: IBSNP Second Circular
Second Circular
Bodrum - TURKEY
22 - 29 September 2004
ibsnp at istanbul.edu.tr
ibsnp at istanbul.edu.t
School Directors
Dimiter BALABANSKI ( University of Camerino, Italy / University of Sofia, Bulgaria )
Dennis BONATSOS ( NCSR Demokritos, Greece )
Nizamettin ERDURAN ( Istanbul University, Turkey )
Course Director : Richard F. CASTEN (Yale University, USA)
Chairman : Baki AKKUS (Istanbul University, Turkey)
Coordinator : Lidya AMON (Istanbul University, Turkey)
The 4th IBSNucPhys will be jointly organized by Istanbul University and the Istanbul branch of Turkish Physical Society under the auspices of the Balkan Physical Union.
The school will be mainly devoted to the studies of Nuclear Structure and will be open to graduate students and young researchers from all countries working in the field of nuclear physics. Bodrum (ancient Halicarnassus) is situated on a peninsula facing the island of Kos (Greek Island), and is the hometown of Heredutus, known to some as the "Father of History". Homer's description of Bodrum as "The land of eternal blue". Built on a peninsula formed by the meeting of the eastern and western harbors, Bodrum, with its narrow streets winding down to the sea, is famous for its castle, its world-renowned yachts, its shipyards and the dazzling white houses and tombs lining the shores of its two harbors. Milas-Bodrum airport is 40 km away from the center of Bodrum. Bodrum is an important tourism center in Turkey, which attracts attention for its natural beauties as well as its history.
Lectures and seminars will cover new developments in nuclear physics research. The newly operational large gamma detector arrays and the first generation of radioactive beam facilities are opening new perspective in the study of nuclear structure and dynamics. The scope of the school is to provide information on the most recent experimental and theoretical achievements in the field which have become operational recently or are under construction. The main topics will be studies of nuclei at the limits of angular momentum and isospin.
The lectures will be at the conference room of Bodrum Municipality which is situated at the centre of the town.
Dino Bazzacco (University of Padova, Italy)
Michael Bentley (Keele University, UK)
Roelof Bijker (UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico)
Jonathan Billowes (University of Manchester, UK)
Hans Boerner (ILL, Grenoble, France)
Richard F. Casten (Yale University, New Haven, USA)
George Dracoulis (ANU, Canberra, Australia)
Juergen Gerl (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)
Michael Hass (The Weizmann Institute, Israel)
Piet Van Isacker (GANIL ,France)
Jan Jolie (University of Köln, Germany)
Andreas Karydas (NCSR 'Demokritos', Athens, Greece)
Kim Lister (Argonne National Laboratory , USA)
David Lunney (CSNSM, Orsay, France)
Dave Morrissey (MSU, East Lansing, USA)
Gerda Neyens (University of Leuven, Belgium)
Norbert Pietralla (University of Köln, Germany/ SUNY, Stony Brook, USA)
David Radford (ORNL, Oak Ridge, USA) *
* : to be confirmed
Time Table
May 31, 2004 - Abstract submission deadline
July 15, 2004 - Registration deadline
September 12, 2004 - Deadline for contributions
September 22, 2004 - Conference starts
Attendance is limited to 120 students. Those interested are kindly requested to submit their application forms to the Organizing Committee by July 15, 2004. The school fee will be EUR 500, which includes accommodation and meals (breakfast,lunch and dinner), school bag, abstract book, the conference proceedings (CDROM), badges, notebook and pen, transportation from and to the airpoort, School Dinner, School reception at the Bodrum Castle, and one day sightseeing in Bodrum.
Bank detail is given as follows:
Name of the Account Holder Baki Akkus
Name of the Bank AKBANK
Account Number 032 - 0064350 - 22
The participants willing to contribute with seminar talks are kindly requested to fill in the appropriate part of the application form. Selected contributions will be scheduled as 15 minutes for oral presentations and then published in the school proceedings.
Lectures and seminars will be published in a special issue of the Balkan Physics Letters (BPL).
Bodrum by bus
You can reach bodrum from all major cities of Turkiye. Bodrum bus terminal is in the middle of the town, where you can also take buses to other locations, or nearby town and cities.
Most people are travelling to Bodrum from Izmir, Istanbul and Ankara.
Bodrum is 250 km from Izmir and 840 km from Istanbul. The road between Izmir and Bodrum is though so it takes longer hours than expected. So if you are travelling from Istanbul, a night bus from a reputable company is adviced.
Some major bus companies are Boss, Pamukkale, Kamil Koc, Varan and Ulusoy.
Bus Companies Phone Numbers:
(all these companies have their offices in the the bus station - otogar)
Varan +90 - 252 -3167849 Ulusoy +90 - 252 - 3130167
Pamukkale +90- 252 - 3166632
Kamil Koc +90 - 252 - 3165350
Bodrum by air
In the year 2000, new Milas Bodrum International Airport has started for operation. The airport is 40 km away from Bodrum town center.
Using air transportation will be the most reasonable way for going to Bodrum from Europe. Despite relatively good road conditions in western regions of Turkey, a problem-free travel to Bodrum requires some comfort.
There are regular flights from Istanbul(domestic) daily and charters from many European airports.
Website of Turkish Airlines :
Both hotels and hostels are available in Bodrum.
Eden Hotel
Best Hotel
Detailed information will be available on the web page soon.
Res. Ass. Lidya AMON (Coordinator)
e-mail : ibsnp at istanbul.edu.tr
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Istanbul
34459 Vezneciler-Istanbul, Turkey
Phone (work) : ++ 90 212 455 57 00 / 15504 Facsimile : ++ 90 212 519 08 34
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