[institut] Fw: Call for papers, reviewers and Editorial-Advisory Board members

Marko Popovic marko at phy.bg.ac.yu
Wed Sep 13 20:53:57 CEST 2006

Drage kolege,

mozda ce nekog ovo interesovati. Mozda su neki od vas ovo vec dobili, ali od 
viska ne boli glava, Marko Popovic.

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From: Scientific Journals International <gcci at charterinternet.com>
To: yps at phy.bg.ac.yu
Sent: 13 Sep 2006 12:05:08 -0500
Subject: Call for papers, reviewers and Editorial-Advisory Board members

Call for papers, reviewers and Editorial-Advisory Board members

Every researcher, writer or artist deserves a fair consideration to be 
published. Scientific Journals International (SJI) provides a one-stop 
efficient forum for publishing research and creative work from all 
disciplines. Our open access electronic journals will be available 
free of charge to over 800 million Internet users from around the 
world.  Unlike other online journals we do not limit access through 
registration or subscription. There is no other journal in the world 
that aims to have this scope.

This initiative is driven by an overriding passion to assist 
researchers, writers and artists to cope with the publish or perish 
reality that has been created by the policies of the academia and 
funding agencies. According to several surveys, a large majority of 
authors and researchers cite slow review process and publication 
delays in the current system as a major obstacle to their publishing 
objectives.  Many have also expressed concerns about the fairness and 
integrity of the peer review process in traditional scholarly 
publishing. Some scholars have argued that there is a need to free the 
publication process for broader and fairer access.

Scientific Journals International (SJI) is the first global initiative 
that intends to accomplish this objective.  Due to its massive 
database and electronic archival capacity, SJI will maintain a 
significantly higher acceptance rate for research papers and creative 
works.  We sincerely believe that researchers, writers and artists who 
have devoted months or years to a research/creative project, should 
not be shut out of the publication world simply because they did not 
follow certain procedural or stylistic rules and guidelines or because 
their work did not fit in.  All traditional journals have very rigid 
stylistic or procedural policies that unduly create artificial 
barriers and in effect retard innovation and creativity.

Scientific Journals International (SJI) will maintain minimal 
procedural and stylistic rules, and will accept papers that follow any 
style manual such as APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.  A fair peer-reviewed 
evaluation system will be used to select papers for publication. SJI 
will maintain a rapid electronic submission, review and publication 
process.  Additionally, we do not set the same limitations on the 
length of the article as other traditional and online journals do. 
Another useful feature of our searchable electronic journals is that 
readers will be able to search quickly and easily for full-text 
articles by particular keywords.  Our capability for perpetual future 
accessibility and preservation will also be extremely valuable to both 
authors and readers.

All accepted and published articles will remain in our databases and 
archives in perpetuity for worldwide exposure and visibility.  Each 
electronic article will be encoded with html meta-tags which allow for 
more sophisticated searching techniques. The information which is 
contained in an article can be intelligently structured for 
bibliographic access.

Please feel free to forward this email to your institution's faculty 
listserv so that others may benefit from this opportunity. For more 
information visit http://www.scientificjournals.org. If our server is 
down temporarily, please go to the alternate site 


Neil A. Anderson
Scientific Journals International (SJI)
or http://www.gcchq.com/SJI

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Institute of Physics, Belgrade

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