[institut] seminar
Zeljka Nikitovic
zeljka at ipb.ac.rs
Thu Nov 24 16:50:14 CET 2011
najavljuje seminar
"Interacting electrons in one dimension beyond the Luttinger liquid
paradigm: relaxation rates and transport"
dr Zoran Ristivojević
Laboratoire de physique théorique, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris,
Abstract:In contrast to higher dimensional systems where pair
collisions provide
finite relaxation rate and lifetime, the situation in one dimension is
peculiar. A one-dimensional electron gas requires three-particle
collisions for finite relaxation due to constraints imposed by the
conservation laws. At zero temperature the fastest relaxation is
provided by the interbranch processes which enable energy exchange
between counterpropagating particles. At sufficiently high temperatures
the leading mechanism is due to the intrabranch scattering of comoving
electrons. We derive the corresponding relaxation rates that strongly
depend whether one considers screened or unscreneed Coulomb
The abovementioned relaxation processes are responsible for
interaction-induced modifications of electrical and thermal conductance
in quantum wires. Our approach is based on the Boltzmann equation that
is beyond the Luttinger-liquid theory.
koji će se održati
u ponedeljak 28. novembra 2011. godine u sali 10 Instituta za fiziku sa
početkom u 11 sati
Institute of Physics Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
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