[institut] Seminar ponedeljkom - Marko Cetina

Brana Jelenkovic branaj at ipb.ac.rs
Thu Mar 15 23:38:32 CET 2018

Marko Cetina ce odrzati predavanje

             An Error-corrected, Universal, Re-configurable,
                       Ion-trap Quantum Archetype

M. Cetina(1), K. Beck(1), M. Goldman(1), L. Egan(1), and C. Monroe(1,2)

(1) Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland Department of
Physics, College Park 20742
(2) IonQ, Inc., College Park, MD 20740

u ponedeljak, 19. marta u sali Dragan Popovic, u 13:30 h


The EURIQA project is a collaboration between universities and
industrial partners that is implementing a systematic, top-down approach
to constructing a complex quantum processor based on trapped ions.  As
part of the LogiQ program, our goal is to use quantum error correction
to realize an encoded logical qubit. The system uses Yb+ ions, which
have an optically-accessible qubit state with long coherence times and
gate fidelities exceeding 99% [1]. We will present the status of the
development and integration of the state-of-the-art system underway at
JQI/UMD. Our system relies on micro-fabricated traps, parallel
addressing of individual ions, and multispecies operation and to address
the challenges of implementing a logical qubit. This work is supported
by the ARO with funding from the IARPA LogiQ program and the AFOSR MURI
on Quantum Measurement and Verification, and the ARO MURI on Modular
Quantum Circuits.

EURIQA projekat je kolaboracija između univerziteta i industrijskih
partnera sa sistematičnim, "top-down" pristupom konstrukciji
kompleksnog kvantnog računara koji koristi atomske jone u električnoj
zamci. Kao deo LogiQ programa, naš cilj je da iskoristimo kvantnu
korekciju greške da bi realizovali logički kubit. Naš sistem koristi
Yb+ jone, koji se odlikuju optički dostupnim stanjem kubita sa dugim
vremenom koherencije i tačnosti gejtova iznad 99% [1]. Predstaviću
status razvoja i integracije ovog tehnološki vodećeg sistema na
UMD/JQI. Naš sistem koristi mikrofabrikovane zamke, paralelno
adresiranje individualnih jona, kao i različite vrste atomskih jona da
bi implementirao logički kubit. Ovaj rad finansira ARO sa sredstvima iz
IARPA LogiQ programa, kao i AFOSR MURI o kvantnom merenju i
verifikaciji, i ARO MURI o modularnim kvantnim kolima.

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