[institut] Fwd: SUMTRAIC 2021

Milivoje Ivkovic ivke at ipb.ac.rs
Wed Apr 28 14:12:35 CEST 2021

Поштоване колегинице и колеге
прослеђујем вам информацију од колега из
Института за физику плазме у Прагу
о летњој школи SUMTRAIC 2021
(из области фузионих истраживања).
Срдачан поздрав

Dear colleagues,

Despite the complicated traveling restrictions, we still are still 
trying to organize our summer school SUMTRAIC this year, on-site. Please 
find the official announcement below.

The Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Republic (Prague) is happy 
to announce the application opening for its 18th summer training school 
called SUMTRAIC. Since 2003, the aim of the event is to give 
participants a practical training on all aspects of fusion research. 
Participants will be provided with a relevant scientific topic, mentored 
by experienced staff members of the IPP and analyzed experimental data 
coming from the COMPASS tokamak. The last day, participants will present 
their two-weeks work (in English) in front of the broad audience of the 
IPP. Any students interested in fusion science can apply to the event by 
providing a CV, a cover letter and a motivation letter on the event's 

Deadline for application: June 30th (2021) - answer by mid July.
Event's dates: from Monday, August 30th to Friday, September 10th (2021)
Accommodation of students: covered by the IPP Prague
Application and more information: 
Contact: Jordan Cavalier (cavalier at ipp.cas.cz)

Note about current restrictions: The organizers are aware that, 
currently, traveling is complicated and that it is difficult to foresee 
what will be happening at the beginning of September. Nevertheless, they 
would like to perpetuate that long tradition event and hope it can still 
happen. Be aware that in case the situation worsen, the IPP will not 
reimburse traveling expenses and that the event may have to be canceled 
at the very last moment. The organizers would like to apologize for 
these inconveniences.

With best regards,
Jordan Cavalier and Jan Stockel

----------- End of Mail ----------------


Milivoje Ivkovic
Research Professor
Head of Plasma Spectroscopy and Lasers laboratory
Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia

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