[institut] Low-Background Laboratory for Nuclear Physics hybrid (live/online) seminar: Prof. Dr Igor Anikin, Monday, 23 May, 11:00

Vladimir Udovicic udovicic at ipb.ac.rs
Mon May 16 15:09:26 CEST 2022

Dear colleagues,

You are cordially invited to the Low-Background Laboratory for Nuclear 
Physics hybrid (live/online) seminar, which will be held on Monday, 23 
May 2022 at 11:00 at the Institute of Physics Library (big hall) and 
Zoom (link is given below).

The talk entitled:
Transverse-momentum dependent Distributions: Functional Complexity 
manifesting in Gluon Poles and Inverse Radon Transforms

will be given by Prof. Dr Igor Anikin (Bogoliubov Laboratory of 
Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, 

Abstract of the talk:
As well-known, QCD can be applied to the description of hard reactions 
with the help of the factorization theorem.
The factorization theorem, as an extended method of asymptotical 
estimations, states that the short (hard) and long (soft) distance 
dynamics can be separated out provided the momentum transfer is large. 
In this connection, any types of parton distributions are stemming from 
the factorization procedure applied for a given hard process. In the 
talk, we discuss the functional complexity which is associated with the 
transverse momentum dependent parton distributions. Working with the 
semi-exclusive and inclusive reactions, we demonstrate the manifestation 
of complexity in the gluon pole contributions and in the inverse Radon 
transforms applied to the transverse momentum dependent generalized 
parton distributions. The experimental observables which are directly 
probing the gluon poles have been suggested.

Prof. Dr Igor V. Anikin is a world-wide recognized expert in the 
high-and-low energy theoretical physics. At present Prof. Dr. Igor 
Anikin is the Head of the Standard Model Sector in the Joint Institute 
for Nuclear Research (JINR) at the Bogoliubov  Laboratory of Theoretical 
Physics in Dubna (Russia).

His scientific interests are covering the following fields:

(i) High Energy Hadron Physics: spin physics, leading and higher twist 
(in the hard scale) contributions for both inclusive and exclusive 
processes,  different mathematical aspects of factorization theorem (the 
renormalization group-structure,  direct and inverse Radon 
transformations,  path group representations, application of conformal 
symmetry),  generalized parton distributions and their analytical 
properties, light-cone sum rules based on the dispersion relations and 

(ii)  Nontrivial Topological objects and QCD Vacuum structure: instanton 
effects in the low energy theories,  quark-hadron interaction modelling 
induced by instantons;

(iii) Effective Theories: heavy quark effective theory,  effective 
theory in the collinear limit taking into account the soft 
contributions, quark-hadron effective theories, superflavour symmetry in 
the heavy quark effective model.

In the year of 1996, Igor V. Anikin received his PhD degree (the 
Candidate of Sciences) in Mathematics and Physics with his thesis titled 
as “The light and heavy baryon form factors within the relativistic 
quark models” in JINR. In 2014, he defended his Dr.Sc. (Doctor of 
Sciences in Physics and Mathematics) dissertation (which is the 
equivalent of habilitation thesis in Europe) entitled “The higher twist 
contributions in QCD hard processes”.

In April of 2018, by the decision of the Presidium of the Russian 
Academy of Sciences, Igor V. Anikin has been awarded by the 
distinguished academic title “Professor of the Russian Academy of 

Topic: Transverse-momentum dependent Distributions: Functional 
Complexity manifesting in Gluon Poles and Inverse Radon Transforms
Time: May 23, 2022 10:00 AM Belgrade, Bratislava, Ljubljana

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 914 2401 6765
Passcode: 110488

Dr Vladimir Udovičić
Senior Research Associate
Head of Low-Background Laboratory for Nuclear Physics
Institute of Physics Belgrade
National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
Mobtel: +381642085026

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