Begin forwarded message:

From: Nauka <>
Subject: Info Days Clusters 1 (Health) and 6 (Bioeconomy etc) and Widening - 25-29 October
Date: 15 October 2021 at 08:44:34 CEST

Poštovane kolege,


Evropska komisija organizuje info dane posvećene otvorenim pozivima u sledećim oblastima Horizont Evropa programa:
Cluster 6 - Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment info-days, 25-26 oktobar 2021
Cluster 6 - Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment brokerage event, 27. oktobar 2021
Cluster 1 - Health info-days, 28. oktobar 2021.
Cluster 1 - Health brokerage event, 29. oktobar 2021.
Agenda i više informacija nalaze se na websajtu: Horizon Europe Info days | European Commission (


Pored toga, u okviru aktivnosti Strategije za Dunavski region, 28. oktobra 2021, biće organizovan virtuelni događaj promocije i uspostavljanja saradnje institucija koje žele da prijave predloge projekata u oblasti Widening participation, Horizont Evropa programa, gde su trenutno otvoreni pozivi za sledeće oblasti:
Call Topic Identifier: HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03-01
Deadline: 18 January 2022
-Excellence Hubs
Call Topic Identifier: HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-04-01
Deadline: 15 March 2022
-ERA Chairs
Call Topic Identifier: HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-01-01
Deadline: 15 March 2022


Registracija učesnika je obavezna a agenda i više informacija nalaze se na websajtu: Facilitating Research & Innovation Cooperation in the Danube Region - Home (


Molimo da ovu informaciju prosledite zainteresovanim istraživačima.

S poštovanjem,
Služba MPNTR


From: NASKA Nikelina <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 3:13 PM
Cc: FABIANEK Bernhard <>
Subject: Info Days Clusters 1 (Health) and 6 (Bioeconomy etc) - 25-29 October


Dear Colleagues,


We hope this email finds you well.


We would like to bring into your attention the info days on Clusters 1 (Health) and 6 (Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment) planned for 25-29 October.
The sessions will give the opportunity to prospective applicants to learn more about funding under the two clusters of the new programme.


Both Cluster 1 and Cluster 6 info-days will be followed by brokerage events to bring together potential applicants and stakeholders of the new Research & Innovation programme.
Info-days calendar
  • 25-26 October 2021: Cluster 6 - Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment info-days,
  • 27 October 2021: Cluster 6 - Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment brokerage event,
  • 28 October 2021: Cluster 1 - Health info-days,
  • 29 October 2021: Cluster 1 - Health brokerage event


"Facilitating research and innovation cooperation in the Danube Region"
within dedicated calls of the “Widening participation and spreading excellence” part of Horizon Europe
You can also find there the past events and discover what was discussed before.
Feel free to promote it widely within your stakeholders.


Best regards,


Nikelina NASKA
Policy Officer

European Commission
DG Research & Innovation
DDG 3, Unit 04 – Horizon Europe Association


Orban 08/091
1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 229-65148