Talk of Prof. Weitz

Ilona Jaschke jaschke at
Mon Jul 20 10:04:36 CEST 2009

To whom it may concern

Although I asked a time ago when Prof. Weitz will have his talk on your conference, we do not know yet at what time you placed his talk. Now it is very urgent because Prof. Weitz  is not able to stay during the whole conference week and I still have to book his flight and hotel. I were very grateful if you could answer my email as fast as possible.

Best regards,

Ilona Jaschke

Ilona Jaschke
Universität Bonn
Institut für Angewandte Physik
Wegelerstraße 8
53115 Bonn

Tel.:	+49 (0)228 734836
Fax:	+49 (0)228 734835
E-Mail:	jaschke at

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