correction AUGUST 24-28, 2009. - Second announcement - PHOTONICA'09 Belgrade

International School On Photonics photonica09 at
Fri Jun 12 22:33:12 CEST 2009

2nd International School and Conference on Photonics (PHOTONICA'09)
Belgrade, AUGUST 24-28, 2009.

Second announcement

General information on the PHOTONICA

Photonica'09 is organized by the following members of Belgrade University: 
Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Institute of Nuclear Sciences 
"Vinca", Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Institute of Chemistry, 
Technology and Metallurgy.
The meeting will be held in the Kolarac building, in downtown Belgrade. 

Aim of the PHOTONICA

The "school" part of Photonica'09 is primarily aimed to young researchers 
and PhD students as a way to introduce the participants to modern 
research, starting from a basic level and concluding with the most recent 
results. The conference section of Photonica'09 aims to help researchers 
listen and discuss the state of the art in several topics of the meeting. 
The purpose of the meeting is to disseminate knowledge and information 
through several topics. Through Plenary sessions Photonica'09 provides 
students with an opportunity to increase and deepen their insights into 
these fields. At the Invited Lecture sessions, young researchers will be 
presented with the latest results and will be able to discuss the state of 
the art.

Topics of Photonica'09

Optical materials, Meta materials, Photonic crystals, Plasmonics, Quantum 
optics, Quantum informatics, Ultracold systems, Nonlinear optics, Lasers 
and laser spectroscopy, Biophysics, Optoelectronics and optocommunications 
and Holography.

Plenary and Invited speakers

We are glad that we have distinguished speakers for all topics of the 
Photonica'09. List of plenary and invited speakers and titles of their 
presentations are on

Registration, abstract and manuscript submission

Participants who do not require financial support can pay early 
registration fee before June 20. Instructions for payment for the 
conference fee are on the web.  Those who register can submit one page 
abstract using either LATEX or MS Word template provided on the page 
Registration/Abstract submission on the web. The deadline for abstract 
submission is 20 June, 2009. Authors will be notified about the acceptance 
of their contribution no later than 31 June 2009. 

Manuscript submission

Selected papers from Photonica'09 will be published in the October 2009. 
issue of the Acta Physica Polonica A, after a normal procedure for the 
journal. Authors of accepted contribution papers will be asked to submit a 
manuscript of up to 6 pages, written using the Acta Physica Polonica A 
( no 
later than 10 August 2009.  


Participants arriving in Belgrade on Sunday, August 23 will be able to 
register and obtain conference materials from 3-9 pm in Kolarac building. 
For participants arriving later in the week, the Conference secretariat 
will be open every morning from 8-12am, also in the Kolarac. 
The opening of the Photonica'09 will be take place on Monday, August 24 at 
8:30 am. Plenary sessions, each with 90 min lecture, will be held every 
morning from 8:45 am. Invited lectures, each 35 min are in the afternoons, 
while poster sessions are in the evening.  
Welcoming cocktail is on Monday, August 24 at 8 pm, in the Ethnographic 
Museum. The Conference excursion is planed for Wednesday afternoon. On 
Wednesday evening a social dinner for the Photonica'09 participants will 
be organized. 

Financial support for participants

As a EPS sponsored meeting there will be limited number of students grants 
( Also, small financial help will 
be offered to students from Photonica'09 budget. 


We list a number of hotels in down town Belgrade, each within a walking 
distance from Kolarac 
For Photonica'09 speakers organizers have reserved accommodation in the 
Hotel Royal.
Student accommodation is limited to 20 rooms and is on a first come first 
serve bases. Please note that you need approximately 20 min bus ride to 
Kolarac from Student hotels. 

Further announcement 

A third announcement will follow, probably in July. News and updates are 
available on the web site:

Kind regards, 
Organizing Committee

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