[phys4phys] Fwd: HERCULES specialized course (May 31st - June 9th, 2021)

ESUO-Serbia Bratislav Marinkovic bratislav.marinkovic at ipb.ac.rs
Tue Apr 27 12:13:31 CEST 2021


Прослеђујем информацију о HERCULES специјализованом курсу:  

"The multi-technique approach of CERIC-ERIC as a tool for Nanoscience" 

Курс је намењен пре свега млађим истраживачима, докторандима и
пост-докторандима, из области физике, хемије и биологије, као и других
дисциплина. Истраживачи из Србије се квалификују за CEI грант. 

С поштовањем, 

Братислав Маринковић

Dr. Bratislav Marinković, MInstP
Research Professor
ESUO delegate for Serbia

Laboratory for Atomic Collision Processes
Institute of Physics Belgrade
University of Belgrade
Republic of Serbia
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
tel:+381 11 316 0882 and +381 11 3713 154
fax:+381 11 316 2190

-------- Original Message -------- 

 		HERCULES specialized course (May 31st - June 9th, 2021)

 		2021-04-26 14:20

 		"Annick Froideval" <a.froideval at hzdr.de>

Dear all, 

This e-mail is to inform you about the HERCULES specialized online
course which is organized on May 31st - June 9th, 2021 by CERIC-ERIC in
collaboration with the ACCELERATE and CALIPSOplus European projects.  

The event is offering the possibility to the researchers to gain
analytical knowledge about synchrotron, neutron methods and more during
both theoretical and practical online sessions. Support from the Central
European Initiative as well as from CALIPSOplus-ESUO will be available
for the participants in order to cover their registration fees. More
details about the event can be found here:
or-nanoscience/ [1] . The registration deadline is on May 3rd, 2021. 

Please feel free to further spread the news about that event towards
possible interested colleagues and networks. 

Thank you very much and best wishes, 



Dr. Annick Froideval 

Senior scientist 

Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research 

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf e.V. (HZDR) 

Bautzner Landstrasse 400 | D-01328 Dresden | Germany 


Board of Directors: Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt, Dr. Diana Stiller 

Company Registration Number VR 1693, Amtsgericht Dresden 



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