[phys4phys] Group for Gravitation, Particle and Fields on-line seminar, Friday 3 December 2021

Marija Dimitrijevic Ciric dmarija at ipb.ac.rs
Wed Dec 1 10:07:04 CET 2021

Dear colleagues,

You are cordially invited to the online seminar of the Group for 
Gravitation, Particles and Fields, which will be held on Friday, 3 
December 2021 at 11:00 via the BigBlueButton platform (link is given 

The talk entitled

Black hole entropy and the information loss paradox

is a continuation of the "Black hole entropy" series of seminars and 
will be given by Dragoljub Gocanin (Faculty of Physics, University of 

Abstract: This talk will be devoted to the so-called wormhole replica 
trick and the notion of an island - a kind of a quantum extremal surface 
recently advocated by Maldacena. We will explain how the application of 
the holographic principle leads to the unitary Page curve. A 
generalization of the original formula for a generalized entropy is 
achieved via the notions of a quantum extremal surface and an island. 
Using the gravity path integral we will present additional arguments in 
favour of this approach.


Time: December 3, 2021 11:00 Belgrade



Best regards,

Marija Dimitrijevic Ciric

University of Belgrade
Faculty of Physics
Studentski trg 12-16
11000 Belgrade

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