[phys4phys] Group for Gravitation, Particle and Fields on-line seminar, Friday 29 April 2022

Marija Dimitrijevic Ciric dmarija at ipb.ac.rs
Tue Apr 26 15:06:46 CEST 2022

Dear colleagues,

You are cordially invited to the online seminar of the Group for 
Gravitation, Particles and Fields, which will be held on Friday, 29 
April 2022 at 11:15 via the BigBlueButton platform (link is given 

The talk entitled

Coleman-Mandula theorem

will be given by Mihailo Djordjevic (Institute of Physics Belgrade).

Abstract: Coleman-Mandula theorem is a no-go theorem in theoretical 
physics. It states that space-time symmetries and internal symmetries 
cannot be combined in any but a trivial way. The main consequence of the 
theorem is impossibility of finding functional dependence between 
parameters of irreducible representations of the Poincare group (mass 
and spin), and parameters of irreducible representations of internal 
symmetry group (charge, color etc.). Finding a "loophole" of the theorem 
would give a new insight into the relations between properties of 
elementary particles, and by doing that, it would also reduce the number 
of fundamental constants of the theory.
In this seminar, we will give a precise formulation of the theorem, show 
its detailed proof based on very general physical assumptions and talk 
about possible ways of the generalization of the theorem and of 
"loopholing" it.


Time: April 29, 2022 11:15 Belgrade



Best regards,

Marija Dimitrijevic Ciric

University of Belgrade
Faculty of Physics
Studentski trg 12-16
11000 Belgrade

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