[phys4phys] Naučno-stručni skup AOB (31.07.2022)

Ana Vudragovic ana at aob.rs
Tue Aug 23 06:03:45 CEST 2022

Poštovane koleginice i kolege,

u biblioteci Astronomske opservatorije biće održan *** Naučno-stručni skup *** u sredu, 31. avgusta sa početkom u 13h.

Tema: Supercomputer 'Bura' as a software processing centre and CPG in-kind contribution in LSST Vera C. Rubin Observatory

Izlagač: dr.sc. Tomislav Jurkic, Zavod za teorijsku fiziku i astrofiziku (Fakultet za fiziku, Sveuciliste u Rijeci)

Large long-term surveys such as LSST at Vera C. Rubin Observatory will obtain a huge, petabyte-scale of data. Such vast amount of data would need substantial computer resources in order to be processed, analysed and visualised. Therefore, supercomputers and high-performing computing facilities play an important role as IDAC (International Data Access Centre) and SPC (Software Processing Centre) in LSST scientific community. On the other hand, international contributors are expected to make in-kind contributions to obtain access rights to LSST data. Therefore, Croatian LSST participation group (CPG) was formed of three institutions, with main in-kind contributions consisting of directable software development and computing resources consisting of HPC supercomputer ’Bura’ at University of Rijeka as a software processing centre. In this talk, the main features of HPC ’Bura’ will be presented, as well as possibilities of its use by scientific community. Various possible scientific cases where ’Bura’ could be used, and interesting for wider scientific community, will be described. Additionally, studies of different phenomena that include periodicity determination (symbiotic binaries, Mira stars, Solar activity) will also be presented, which could foster future collaboration and implementation of new algorithms developed by SER-SAG LSST in-kind contribution group.

Za one koji nisu u mogućnosti da dođu u biblioteku, link za praćenje izlaganja uživo preko Webex-a:
https://matf.webex.com/matf/j.php?MTID=m505c69f8f75b9527bcf126a7e5b3d687 <https://matf.webex.com/matf/j.php?MTID=m505c69f8f75b9527bcf126a7e5b3d687>

Izlaganje će biti snimljeno i postavljeno na zvanični Youtube kanal Astronomske opservatorije tokom iste večeri (https://www.youtube.com/c/AstronomskaOpservatorijaBeograd <https://www.youtube.com/c/AstronomskaOpservatorijaBeograd><https://www.youtube.com/c/AstronomskaOpservatorijaBeograd <https://www.youtube.com/c/AstronomskaOpservatorijaBeograd>).

Ana Vudragović
Research Associate
Astronomical Observatory
Volgina 7, 11060 Belgrade, Serbia

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