[phys4phys] Fwd: COHERENCE online seminar - 13.12.2022. at 13h30

coherence coherence at vin.bg.ac.rs
Wed Dec 7 13:16:56 CET 2022

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to join the online lecture organized by the 
COHERENCE center, on Tuesday 13.12.2022. at 13h30 (CET).

The lecturer will be Professor Janos K. Asboth, from Budapest University 
of Technology and Economics, Department of Theoretical Physics and 
Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Department of Quantum Optics and 
Quantum Information.
The title of professor Asboth's talk is 'Majorana Zero Modes in the 
Kitaev Wire: What, How, Why'.

Following is a short summary:
In this pedagogical talk, I will review what Majorana Zero Modes are, 
how they promise to help quantum computation by protecting quantum bits 
from noise, and how they appear in a simple toy model, the Kitaev Wire. 
I will emphasize similarities and differences with the topologically 
protected end states in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model for polyacetylene 
[1], especially concerning the role of symmetries. I will briefly review 
some of the existing experimental proposals, and schemes for 
implementing and braiding Majorana Zero Modes.

[1]: Boross et al: Phys. Rev. B 100, 045414 (2019)

You may find the link for the lecture bellow:

COHERENCE is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: COHERENCE online seminar - Janos Asboth
Time: Dec 13, 2022 13h30 CET

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 897 9354 1714
Passcode: 551231

Best regards,

Anamarija Abu el Rub.

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