[phys4phys] SciExpMeet / Naučno-stručni skup (09. 03.)

Ana Vudragovic ana at aob.rs
Wed Mar 2 15:36:26 CET 2022

Dear colleagues,

you are cordially invited to the Scientific Expert Meeting (SciExpMeet) that will be held at the Library of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade on Wednesday. 

Time and Date: 9 March (Wednesday) at 13h. 
Place: Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade (Library) .

Lecturer: Michal Bilek (LERMA, Observatoire de Paris AND Collège de France)

Title: Extragalactic archeology: the origin of the prominent tidal features in the galaxy NGC474

NGC474 is a nearby lenticular galaxy famous for its dramatic system of tidal shells and streams. Such structures form in galaxy collisions. One of the shells and the galaxy itself were recently studied spectroscopically by two teams. We contributed to the investigations of this prominent object by applying the analytical shell identification method for estimating the time since the collision from the observed sizes of shells. We moreover run an N-body simulation that reproduced much of the morphology of the observed galaxy. This allowed us to built a detailed scenario of what has been happening in the galaxy in the last ~1 Gyr and how the tidal features formed. This includes the time since the merger, the geometry of the collision the explanation of the young stellar populations in the galaxy. The scenario accounts for all observational constraints. This work indicates that it is possible to reconstruct the formation shell galaxies in surprising detail by combining their deep images with the spectroscopy of their centers. Such data can now be routinely obtained.

For those who are not able to attend the talk at the Library, we are providing the link to join via Webex live:
https://matf.webex.com/matf/j.php?MTID=m802bc38c9a4c0bd51122430a4827f9e0 <https://matf.webex.com/matf/j.php?MTID=m802bc38c9a4c0bd51122430a4827f9e0>

The talk will be recorded and uploaded to the official Youtube channel of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade (https://www.youtube.com/c/AstronomskaOpservatorijaBeograd <https://www.youtube.com/c/AstronomskaOpservatorijaBeograd>) during the same evening.

Ana Vudragović
Research Associate
Astronomical Observatory
Volgina 7, 11060 Belgrade, Serbia

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