[phys4phys] Seminar: prof. dr František Krčma, Tuesday, April 4th, 11:00, COE for non-equilibrium processes

Nevena Puac nevena at ipb.ac.rs
Sat Apr 1 18:08:26 CEST 2023

Dear colleagues,

You are cordially invited to the *lecture by prof. dr František Krčma
by the COE for non-equilibrium processes, which will be held on *Tuesday,
April 4th 2023, at 11:00 in the library room "Dragan Popović"*.

The title of the talk is:
*"Laboratory mimics of discharge initiated processes in prebiotic

Dr. František Krčma received his PhD degree in plasma physics from Masaryk
University, Brno, Czech Republic, in 1995. Currently he is a Lecturer and
an Associate Professor at the Institute of Physical and Applied Chemistry
of the Faculty of Chemistry (Brno University of Technology). His research
interests are diagnostics of low-temperature plasmas, chemical kinetics of
plasmas created in gases and liquids, reaction kinetics theory, surface
chemistry, application of plasma in archeology, medicine and agriculture
etc. In recent years he is involved in the research topic related to
experimental investigation of reaction chemistry in prebiotic atmospheres
in which he published several papers and supervised PhD theses. He has been
Action Chair for COST Action TD1208: Electrical discharges with liquids for
future applications, Co-Chair of PlAgri COST Action, PI many national and
European projects and author in over 100 papers. He holds several patents
and products.

Best regards,
Nevena Puač,
COE for non-equilibrium processes


Dr Nevena Puac
Institute of Physics
Pregrevica 118
11080 Belgrade
Phone: +381 11 3713 143
Fax: +381 11 3162 190
e-mail: nevena at ipb.ac.rs
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