[phys4phys] AsSpectro 2023 announcement

asspectro conf asspectro.conf at gmail.com
Tue Aug 22 23:21:00 CEST 2023

Dear colleagues,

This is a gentle reminder that the deadline for registration was August 15th,
2023., but we will keep it open for several more days due to the holiday
season. Registration can be accessed here:


We invite everyone, who has not yet registered, to fill out the
registration form and send their abstract(s) and/or contributed paper(s) as
soon as possible in order to finalize the schedule of the meeting.

Please be aware that:

- link for online participation will be sent to all registered participants
shortly before the start of ASSPECTRO2023 and only fully registered
participants will be able to participate in the program (either in-person
or online)

- Digital posters will be presented on-site on a screen during the poster
session. Poster creators are advised to send their material to LOC as soon
as possible so it can be included in the Proceedings. Also  an award will
be given for the *Best Poster* presented at the conference.
This award is sponsored by *Physics MDPI*
<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/physics/> journal with the amount of *200
CHF.* Only PhD students and young postdoc researchers (7 years after
obtaining the PhD) are eligible for the award.
The winner will be announced at the conference closing ceremony.

Also, we would like to remind you that the Hotel Prezident – Palić reserved
rooms for our participants, but there is a possibility that there will be
no available rooms for last minute booking so participants will have to
find other accommodation.
To book a room in the hotel, please send an email to the following address:
mice at panacomp.net. "AsSpectro2023"

Looking forward to seeing you in Palić,

Organizing Committee of the AsSpectro2023
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