[phys4phys] Nanolab seminar

Sasa Dmitrovic sasadm at ff.bg.ac.rs
Thu Dec 7 10:15:56 CET 2023

Dear colleagues,

You are cordially invited to the seminar of the Nanolab Group, which will
be held on Thursday, 14 December 2023 at 13:00 at the Faculty of Physics,
lecture hall 665.

The talk entitled

Projected Topological Branes: Window into Higher-dimensional Topological

will be given by Vladimir Juričić (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa
Maria, Chile &
Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Sweden).

Abstract of the talk:

Topological states of quantum matter, featuring exotic robust,
topologically and symmetry-protected boundary states, are at the forefront
of research in the modern condensed matter physics. In the last decade, it
has been understood that crystalline symmetries play a fundamental role in
the emergence and the protection of the topological phases, yielding a
landscape of topological crystalline materials. However, crystals are bound
to live in three spatial dimensions, which thereby provides a natural
constraint on the possible topological crystalline phases.
Motivated by this, I will consider projected topological branes (PTBs),
which are holographic images of higher-dimension topological crystals on
lower-dimensional branes, thereby providing the window into the landscape
of the topological phases in higher dimensions. I will discuss some of
their general features, such as the bulk-boundary correspondence, probing
through the lattice dislocations, and the quantum transport, e.g. the
chiral anomaly, when considering the projection from a parent two- or
three-dimensional topological crystal [1]. Furthermore, as we recently
realized, the PTBs also offer a way to circumvent constraints of the
tenfold way classification of topological matter without adding any extra
symmetries [2]. In particular, I will argue that the PTBs allow for the
realization of the three-dimensional Z-invariant insulators, thereby going
beyond the usual Z2 topological classification of 3D insulators.  Finally,
some of the possible experimental realizations and future directions in the
study of the PTBs will be highlighted.

[1] A. Panigrahi, V.J., B. Roy, Communications Physics 5, 230 (2023).
[2] A. Tyner and V.J., to be posted on arXiv.

Best regards,
Saša Dmitrović

Faculty of Physics
University of Belgrade
Studentski trg 12-16
11000 Belgrade
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