[phys4phys] Talk by Anicet Tibau Vidal, Thursday 12th of January, 14:00

Satanakis, Sofia Maria SofiaMaria.Satanakis at oeaw.ac.at
Thu Jan 5 11:42:35 CET 2023

to a TALK by

Anicet Tibau Vidal

University of Oxford, Physics Department

Anyonic information theory and quantum foundations

In this talk, I present the latest works on anyonic information theory and how it is linked to aspects of quantum foundations. First, the theory of 2+1 D non-abelian anyons will be introduced. The newly discovered notion of anyonic creation operators will be presented, as well as their use as local elements of reality within the Deutsch-Hayden interpretation of quantum mechanics. The relationship between anyonic systems and quantum reference frames will be explored, concretely in the area of subsystem relativity. Lastly, I will present the strange properties of anyonic entanglement, such as the different spectra of marginals in bipartite systems. This property makes the Von Neumann entropy a bad entanglement measure. I will explain the challenges of defining entanglement measures for anyonic systems and current approaches.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

IQOQI Seminar Room
Boltzmanngasse 3, 2nd floor, 1090 Vienna
Hosted by: Caslav Brukner

Live on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/IQOQIVienna

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