[phys4phys] Fwd: ERC PhD and postdoc positions in Ljubljana

Jaksa Vucicevic jaksa at ipb.ac.rs
Mon Jan 23 11:29:07 CET 2023

Drage kolege,

u Ljubljani su upravo otvorene postdok i PhD pozicije u okviru ERC StG 
projekta (detalji niže).

Molim da ovaj mail prosledite potencijalno zainteresovanima.

Jakša Vučičević

Institute of Physics Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: ERC PhD and postdoc positions in Ljubljana
Date: 2023-01-09 08:58
 From: Zala Lenarcic <Zala.Lenarcic at ijs.si>
To: Reiter Florentin <freiter at ethz.ch>

Dear Colleagues,

Several postdoc and PhD positions are open in my group at the Jožef
Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, as part of the recently funded ERC StG
project Weakly driven quantum symmetries (DrumS).

I would appreciate if you could share this information with students and
postdocs with interest in:
Non-equilibrium many-body dynamics
Open driven dissipative systems
Tensor and neural network methods

More information is in the appended file and on the portal

Applications should be submitted at
https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/24087 or by email to
zala.lenarcic at ijs.si

And, best wishes for the coming year,
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