[phys4phys] Seminar Katedre za astronomiju - 13. jun 2023.

Katedra za astronomiju astronom at poincare.matf.bg.ac.rs
Sat Jun 10 22:58:39 CEST 2023

                       Seminar iz astronomije i astrofizike

                              Prof. Katarina Miljkovic
              (School of Earth and Planetary Science, Space Science and
                  Technology Centre, Curtin University, Australia)

                   "Structure and evolution of Mars via impact craters
                  and the latest discoveries on the NASA InSight mission"

                 utorak, 13. jun 2023. godine, u 18 sati, u ucionici 809.


     Faculty of Mathematics
     University of Belgrade

     Studentski trg 16
     11000 Belgrade

   phone:     ++ 381 11 2027 827

   fax:       ++ 381 11 2630 151

   e-mail:    astronom at matf.bg.ac.rs

   internet:  http://astro.matf.bg.ac.rs

   skype:     dept_of_astro

   twitter:   http://twitter.com/#!/dept_of_astro

   facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/astro.math.rs

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