[phys4phys] [Fwd: odeljenje za mehaniku, podsetnik 10. maj]

bozaj at turing.mi.sanu.ac.rs bozaj at turing.mi.sanu.ac.rs
Mon May 8 20:32:18 CEST 2023


Ове среде у МИСАНУ имамо госта са темом која може бити занимљива
истраживачима који се баве динамиком.

Да ли можете проследити обавештење преко мејлинг листе Института
за физику

Срдачан поздрав,
Божидар Јовановић

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: odeljenje za mehaniku, podsetnik 10. maj
From:    "Odeljenje za mehaniku" <mehanika at turing.mi.sanu.ac.rs>
Date:    Mon, May 8, 2023 7:24 pm

Oдељење за механику

Среда 10. мај у 18 часова
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Titov, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of
St.Petersburg University

The regions of possible motion in general three body problem

The regions of possible motion of the general planar three-body problem
are constructed in the form space, the factor-space (or quotient space) of
the configuration space of the problem by transfers and rotations. The
integral of energy in the form space gives the equation of zero velocity
surface. These surfaces separate regions of possible motion from regions
where motion is impossible. These surfaces can also be obtained based on
the Sundman inequality. Without loss of generality, we assume that the
constant energy is equal -1/2 and the desired surfaces depend only on the
value of the angular momentum of the problem, Ј. Depending on this value,
five topologically different types of surfaces can be distinguished. For
small J, the surface consists of two separate surfaces, internal and
external ones, the motion is possible only between them. Examples of the
corresponding surfaces are given for each of the five types. Orbits
suffering collisions are studied separately: collinear and isosceles
orbits. Collisions occurring in such orbits require regularization. In the
form space, it is natural to use Lemaitre regularization. In the
regularized space, the “figure-eight” orbit is also considered.

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Предавања се одржавају у сали 301ф Математичког института
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укључујући студенте редовних и докторских студија.

Управник Одељења за механику
др Божидар Јовановић

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Маријана Бабић

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