[phys4phys] Prof. Vladimir Vava Gligorov, Lecture on Wednesday, November 1st, 1PM - ZOOM

SEENET-MTP Office office at seenet-mtp.info
Tue Oct 31 16:03:25 CET 2023

Dear colleagues,

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Vava Gligorov (LPNHE/CNRS, Paris, France) is visiting 
the SEENET-MTP Network Office and Department of Physics (Faculty of 
Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš) from 30 October to 3 

Prof. Vladimir Vava Gligorov will give a lecture

Achievements of the last decade and perspectives of elementary particle 

on Wednesday, 1 November 2023, at 13:00 in room No. 100. For all who can 
not attend the talk in person, the talk will also be available on the 

Meeting ID: 940 4104 1181
Passcode: 957260

This visit is a part of the SEENET-MTP Program and Cahir for Theretical 
Physics and Applications,
and partially supported by the SEENET-MTP Centre, Centre for Theoretical 
Physics, and Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics Niš.


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