[phys4phys] SCL Seminar (in person): Petar Mitrić, Thursday, April 4, 14:00

Darko Tanaskovic tanasko at ipb.ac.rs
Mon Apr 1 18:41:19 CEST 2024

Dear colleagues,

you are cordially invited to the SCL seminar of the Center for the Study 
of Complex Systems, which will be held on Thursday, April 4 at 14:00 in 
the library reading room “Dr. Dragan Popović" of the Institute of 
Physics Belgrade. The talk entitled

Exploring Polarons in Semiconductors: Insights from the Holstein Model

will be given by Petar Mitrić, Institute of Physics Belgrade.


The electron-phonon interaction significantly affects the properties of 
semiconducting materials, leading to the emergence of polarons — a new 
quasiparticle that now, instead of the electron, plays the role of the 
current carrier in our system. The polarons are often studied using 
theoretically idealized models, the simplest of which is the Holstein 
model. In this talk, we show that within this model, the dynamical 
mean-field theory can be used to obtain almost numerically exact results 
for both the quasiparticle and single-particle properties, regardless of 
the electron-phonon coupling strength, phonon frequency, or temperature 
[1]. Surprisingly, this remains true regardless of the dimensionality of 
our system. Furthermore, we use these results as a benchmark to test the 
reliability of the increasingly popular cumulant expansion method for 
the calculation of various quantities in a wide range of regimes [2]. At 
the end, we examine the transport properties within the Holstein model 
which was our original motivation at the start of this study.

[1] P. Mitrić, V. Janković, N. Vukmirović, and D. Tanasković, Phys. Rev. 
Lett., 129, 096401 (2022).

[2] P. Mitrić, V. Janković, N. Vukmirović, and D. Tanasković, Phys. Rev. 
B, 107, 125165 (2023).

Best regards,
Darko Tanaskovic

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