[phys4phys] Black Holes & Chaos - Belgrade September 2024

Mihailo Čubrović cubrovic at ipb.ac.rs
Thu Apr 18 22:40:53 CEST 2024

Dear colleagues,

We would like to announce the workshop Black Holes & Chaos, to be held 
in Belgrade on September 4-6 2024. The workshop will be a focused 3-day 
event covering topics in string theory, holography, classical and 
quantum chaos and quantum information, revolving around the black hole 
information paradox, black hole microstructure, scrambling and chaos, 
wormholes, factorization and the replica/island formalism. The workshop 
will consist of invited talks, guided discussions (1 per day) and a 
poster session for younger researchers.

Invited speakers (* - to be confirmed): Alexandre Belin* 
(Milano-Bicocca), Francesco Benini (SISSA), Micha Berkooz (Weizmann), 
Jan de Boer (Amsterdam), Jan Boruch (Berkeley), Alejandra Castro 
(Cambridge), Nejc Čeplak (TC Dublin), Ben Freivogel* (Amsterdam), 
Alessandra Gnecchi (INFN Padova), Sašo Grozdanov (Ljubljana & 
Edinburgh), Luca Iliesiu (Berkeley), Maciek Kolanowski (Santa Barbara), 
Andrey Parnachev (TC Dublin), Phillip Saad (Berkeley), Julian Sonner* 
(Geneva), Chiara Toldo (Harvard).

All information including the registration form and contacts of the 
members of the Organizing Committee can be found on the workshop 


Note that the participation is free (no registration fee) for all 
researchers from Serbian institutes/universities.

We would be very grateful if you can forward this information to 
interested colleagues and students.

With kind regards, on behalf of the Organizing Committee,

Mihailo Čubrović, Kiril Hristov, Marija Tomašević, Vladan Đukić

Dr. Mihailo Čubrović

Center for the Study of Complex Systems
Institute of Physics Belgrade
National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
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