[phys4phys] Announcement of the 1st WG2 Virtual meeting of the COSY COST Action (CA21101), February 6, 2024

Sonja Grubisic grubisic at chem.bg.ac.rs
Thu Jan 18 15:50:53 CET 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the first WG2 virtual meeting  entitled  
“From  quantum to classical dynamics of isolated molecules and 3D  
materials”, which will take place on Feb 6, 2024.
This one-day virtual meeting will gather the leading experts in the 
field of molecular dynamics. The goal is to present  recent advances in 
quantum and classical dynamics to treat molecules  either isolated or in 
a confined environment, which may consist of  enclosing molecular cages, 
surfaces, and interfaces as well as of strong electromagnetic static or 
optical fields. Speakers will be  allotted 15 minutes for presentation 
including discussion. Also,  there will be poster presentations 
supported by 3’ time flash  presentations.
We encourage all interested researchers and students to register at  
https://forms.gle/ay8fVhieVJ37oV7k7,  for the workshop and join us for a 
day of sharing their research, and networking.
More information can be found on COSY web page:  

Registration deadline is January 25, 2024.

We look forward to receiving your application!

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
Sonja Grubisic,
IHTM – Department of Chemistry
University of Belgrade

Organizing Committee

María Pilar de Lara-Castells, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones 
Científicas - CSIC, Spain
Sonja Grubišić,	University of Belgrade, Institute of Chemistry, 
Technology and Metallurgy - ICTM, Serbia
Jiří Vaníček, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), 
Cristina Puzzarini, University of Bologna, Italy
Majdi Hochlaf, 	Université Gustave Eiffel, COSYS/IMSE, France
Francesca Mocci,  University of Cagliari, Italy
Juan Carlos Hernandez Garrido, 	Universidad de Cádiz, Spain
Vladimir Srećković, University of Belgrade, Institute of Physics 

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