[phys4phys] Fwd: Mauterndorf 2025 & open PhD position

Vladimir Damljanovic damlja at ipb.ac.rs
Wed Jul 10 14:08:58 CEST 2024

Postovane koleginice i kolege,

prosledjujem Vam obavestenje o PhD poziciji u Austriji. Zainteresovani 
mogu da se jave Profesoru Kurtu Hingerl-u na mejl Kurt.Hingerl at jku.at  
(puno pozdrava, Vlada).

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: open PhD position
Date: 2024-07-10 13:17
 From: "Kurt Hingerl" <Kurt.Hingerl at jku.at>
To: <natasal at ff.bg.ac.rs>,"Vladimir Damljanovic" <damlja at ipb.ac.rs>

Dear Natasa, dear Vlada,

May I ask you to distribute the following information to
potential PhD students, or Postdocs in physics, ( who want also to
graduate in economics...) and who could be interested in pursuing after
their MSc studies also a 4 year PhD project at an Austrian university:
At JKU there is an open PhD position about network analysis and
modelling of networks or network particpants (" emergent behaviour"). In
the attached PDF the approach to the theisis -research project - is
described, some more information can be found at:

Please encourage your students to apply also, if they don't fulfill "all
prerequsites", and even if their MSc graduation date is after Oct 1st,
until the end of the year 2024. (This job offer has been drafted by the
JKU HR department, who want to cover all aspects; furthermore the
position is more research oriented and hardly teaching oriented!). For
applying interested students should proceed, until July 24th as
indicated in the following webside

We also ask them to contact either one of us (Sophie Parragh, in CC, or
me ), if they want to have more detailed informations.

with best regards


[2] http://gmail.com/
[3] http://ff.bg.ac.rs/

Institute of Physics Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
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