[phys4phys] 2024 Electron-Phonon School Live Streaming

Nenad Vukmirović nenad.vukmirovic at ipb.ac.rs
Thu Jun 6 15:09:30 CEST 2024

Поштоване колегинице и колеге,

Прослеђујем вам информацију о школи из физике електрон-фонон интеракције 
коју је могуће пратити на даљину. Школа би могла да буде од интереса 
студентима завршних година основних студија, студентима мастер и 
докторских студија, као и истраживачима који су заинтересовани за неке 
од бројних феномена у физици кондензоване материје у којима 
електрон-фонон интеракција игра важну улогу.

Срдачан поздрав,
Ненад Вукмировић

др Ненад Вукмировић
научни саветник
Институт за физику у Београду
Институт од националног значаја за Републику Србију
Прегревица 118, 11080 Београд, Србија

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Psi-k: 2024 Electron-Phonon School Live Streaming
Date: 	Thu, 6 Jun 2024 15:33:00 +0530
From: 	Psi-k Network <coordinator at psi-k.net>

*2024 Electron-Phonon School Live Streaming *

2024 School on Electron-Phonon Physics, Many-Body Perturbation Theory, 
and Computational Workflows

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that we will be streaming online the theory 
lectures of the “2024 School on Electron-Phonon Physics, Many-Body 
Perturbation Theory, and Computational Workflows”, which will be held at 
the University of Texas at Austin, from June 10-16, 2024:

To attend these webinars, please register at the following link:

This school will introduce participants to advanced /ab initio/ 
calculations for electron-phonon physics and excited-state phenomena 
using EPW, Quantum ESPRESSO, Wannier90, and BerkeleyGW. The school will 
consist of theory lectures in the morning, and hands-on tutorial 
sessions in the afternoon. The Zoom webinars will cover the *theory 
lectures*, in particular:

/Intro to electron-phonon physics and school topics
/Feliciano Giustino, The University of Texas at Austin


Mon 10 Jun, 09:00-10:00 CDT

/Density functional perturbation theory
/Paolo Giannozzi, University of Udine


Mon 10 Jun, 10:00-11:00 CDT

/Introduction to Wannier functions
/Nicola Marzari, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne


Mon 10 Jun, 11:30-12:30 CDT

/The Wannier functions ecosystem
/Antimo Marrazzo, University of Trieste


Tue 11 Jun, 09:00-10:00 CDT

/Many-body theory of electron-phonon interactions//
/Feliciano Giustino, The University of Texas at Austin


Tue 11 Jun, 10:00-11:00 CDT

/Carrier transport from first principles
/Samuel Poncé, Université catholique de Louvain


Wed 12 Jun, 09:00-10:00 CDT

/Superconductivity from first principles
/Roxana Margine, Binghamton University


Wed 12 Jun, 10:00-11:00 CDT

/Phonon-assisted optical processes
/Emmanouil Kioupakis, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor


Wed 12 Jun, 11:15-12:15 CDT

/GW method and Bethe-Salpeter Equation
/Steven Louie, University of California at Berkeley


Thu 13 Jun, 09:00-10:00 CDT

/Introduction to polarons
/Feliciano Giustino, The University of Texas at Austin


Thu 13 Jun, 10:00-11:00 CDT

/Special displacement method
/Marios Zacharias, University of Rennes


Fri 14 Jun, 09:00-10:00 CDT

/High-performance computing at the Texas Advanced Computing Center
/Dan Stanzione, Texas Advanced Computing Center


Fri 14 Jun, 10:00-11:00 CDT

/GW perturbation theory
/Zhenglu Li, University of Southern California


Fri 14 Jun, 11:15-12:15 CDT

/Excitonic polarons
/Zhenbang Dai, The University of Texas at Austin


Fri 14 Jun, 12:15-12:45 CDT

/Projectability disentanglement for Wannier functions
/Junfeng Qiao, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne


Sat 15 Jun, 11:45-12:15 CDT

/Wannier function perturbation theory
/Jae-Mo Lihm, Université catholique de Louvain


Sat 15 Jun, 14:30-15:00 CDT

/Quasi-degenerate perturbation theory of direct and phonon-assisted 
optical processes
/Sabyasachi Tiwari, The University of Texas at Austin


Sat 15 Jun, 16:15-16:45 CDT

This school is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, the 
U.S. Department of Energy, the Texas Advanced Computing Center, and the 
Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the school,

The Organizers

Roxana Margine, Emmanouil Kioupakis, Samuel Poncé, Zhenglu Li, Annecy 
Liddell, and Feliciano Giustino


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