[phys4phys] Fwd: Post-doc offer in Marseille

Aleksandar Krmpot krmpot at ipb.ac.rs
Wed May 22 00:51:57 CEST 2024

Поштоване колегинице и колеге,  

Можда би некоме била од интереса постдок позиција у Марсеју, Француска
за коју се траже физичари(ке) и/или физикохемичари(ке), а на коју ми је
указала колегиница Ана Пенезић из ИНЕП-а. 

Информације у мејловима и линковима испод 

Срдачан поздрав 



dr Aleksandar J. Krmpot, naučni savetnik
Institut za fiziku, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Beograd-Zemun, SRBIJA

dr. Aleksandar J. Krmpot, research professor
Institute of Physics, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade- Zemun, SERBIA

telefon/phone:  +381 11 3713 171
mobilni/cell:   +381 64 202 65 62
e-posta/e-mail: krmpot at ipb.ac.rs
www.biophyslab.rs [1]  
www.ipb.ac.rs [2] 

-------- Оригинална порука -------- 

 		Fwd: Post-doc offer in Marseille

 		2024-05-21 23:07

 		Ana Penezic <anap at inep.co.rs>

 		Aleksandar Krmpot <krmpot at ipb.ac.rs>

Prosleđujem informaciju.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Vincent Fourmond <vincent.fourmond at imm.cnrs.fr>
To: Ana Penezic <anap at inep.co.rs>
Sent: Tue, 21 May 2024 23:05:31 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Post-doc offer in Marseille

   Dear Dr Penezic,

We are looking for a physicist/physical chemist interested in working on

modeling and solving the diffusion/reaction system arising from 
embedding redox enzymes in conducting polymers. I would be sincerely 
grateful if you could forward this to potential candidates.

More information can be found below or there:


Kind regards,

     Vincent Fourmond, CNRS Research Director

In our lab in Marseille, France, we use electrochemistry to use and 
study redox enzymes that catalyze the production of solar fuels: H2 
evolution, CO2 reduction. Recently, in a collaboration with the 
Technical University of Munich, Germany, we have developed biohybrid 
systems where the enzymatic reactions are confined within a thin film 
made of a redox polymer. The reactants (but also the inhibitor of the 
enzyme, O2) diffuse freely in the hydrated film, and the redox side 
chains of the polymer mediate electron transfer between the enzyme and 
the electrode. Because of the reaction/diffusion process, the film 
self-organizes into a steady-state structure, where different reactions 
may occur near the electrode and near the film/solution interface. This 
has major consequences on the efficiency of the system (current 
density), and on its life-time when the system operates in the presence 
of the inhibitor O2. Full protection is observed under certain

In the context of an EIC PATHFINDER EU project, and within a consortium 
including groups from TU Munich (Germany), Fraunhofer IGB Straubing and 
Denmark Technical University, the team is*looking for a post-doctoral 
researcher to extend the theoretical modeling of such reaction diffusion

systems*, under conditions where catalysis is bidirectional, when the 
electrons are not provided by the electrode but from mediators in 
solution, or under conditions of radial (rather than linear) symmetry.

We proceed by running simulations of the whole reaction diffusion system

(using an in-house software), to identify the regime that are relevant 
to the experimental cases, and we then look for analytical solutions 
that can be used to predict experimental observables, such as current 
densities and life times. Experiments are used to provide values of the 
parameters that describe the system (geometry, rate constants, 
concentrations), and output figures of merit that can be compared to 
theoretical predictions.

We expect the post-doc hired in this project to run the simulations of 
the reaction-diffusion system describing the film, divide the responses 
in relevant cases and derive the analytical equations describing the 
behavior of the system in the most interesting cases.

We wish to hire a person with a background in physics, a strong 
motivation to work in a multicultural and multidisciplinary environment 
(physics/chemistry/biology), and a strong interest in differential 

*Applications should be sent by email* to vincent.fourmond at imm.cnrs.fr, 
and include a CV, the names and contact details of previous advisors, 
and a cover letter describing the candidate's expertise in relation to 
the project.

The position is *available immediately*, for a *duration of 21-24

The lab is located in Marseille, on the southeast coast of France, in 
the Provence region. Marseille has a great countryside, it is connected 
by train to Paris and other large European cities.


  * Steffen Hardt, Stefanie Stapf, Dawit T. Filmon, James A. Birrell,
    Olaf Rüdiger, Vincent Fourmond, Christophe Léger, Nicolas Plumeré «
    Reversible H2 oxidation and evolution by hydrogenase embedded in a
    redox polymer film » Nature Catalysis 4, 251-258 (2021) doi:
  * Christophe Léger & Vincent Fourmond. « Theoretical understanding of
    the penetration of O2 in enzymatic redox polymer films: case of
    unidirectional catalysis and irreversible inactivation in a film of
    arbitrary thickness » ChemElectroChem 8, 2607-2615 (2021) doi:
    10.1002/celc.202100586 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/celc.202100586>
  * Huaiguang Li, Darren Buesen, Sebastien Dementin, Christophe Leger,
    Vincent Fourmond, Nicolas Plumere, Complete Protection of
    O2-Sensitive Catalysts in Thin Films J. Am. Chem. Soc., 141 16734
    (2019) doi:10.1021/jacs.9b06790
  * V Fourmond, S Stapf, H Li, D Buesen, J Birrell, O Rudiger, W Lubitz,
    W Schuhmann, N Plumere, C Léger, "The mechanism of protection of
    catalysts supported in redox hydrogel films" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137
    5494-5505 (2015) doi:10.1021/jacs.5b01194

*Salary range:* 2400EUR - 2900EUR monthly

*To apply:* send e-mail to vincent.fourmond at imm.cnrs.fr

Vincent Fourmond
Directeur de Recherche -- Research director -- APSG
Laboratoire de Bioénergétique et Ingénierie des Protéines.
UMR 7281, CNRS - AMU
31, Chemin Joseph Aiguier, CS 70071, 13402 Marseille, France.
phone: +33 (0) 7 69 40 12 46

www:http://www.bip06.fr/   |  twitter: @BIP6_Marseille

[1] http://www.biophyslab.rs
[2] http://www.ipb.ac.rs
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