RESULTS in 2025

Revised on February 26th, 2025


RESULTS in 2025



Papers and Letters (Refereed)

Invited Talks, Contributed Papers and Abstracts at Conferences and Meetings


Other publications




SEMINARS in 2025:



COST Projects:


National INNOVATION & SAIGE Projects:



Dissemination activities




(in inverse chronological order; underlined – people within project #6821 ATMOLCOL; bolded – presenter of the invited talk; articles in green are published within the top 10% journals of the WoS field; if2 – impact factor for 2 years and if5 – five years)

[CiteScore measures the citation impact of the journal: new formula= the number of citations received by a journal in four year to documents published in the same four years, divided by the number of documents; old formula= the number of citations received by a journal in one year to documents published in the three previous years, divided by the number of documents. SNIP compares the citation impact of sources in different subject fields = the ratio of a source's average citation count per paper, and the 'citation potential' of its subject field. SJR compares the scientific prestige of sources, based on the value of weighted citations per document. A source transfers its own 'prestige', or status, to another source through the act of citing it.]






Papers and Letters (Refereed)


P4. Vladimir A. Srećković, Ljubinko M. Ignjatović, Milan S. Dimitrijević, Veljko Vujčić, Sanja Tošić and Felix Iacob,

“Rydberg atoms and molecules in astrophysical and laboratory plasmas: Processes and data needed for modeling”,

Adv. Space Res. (2025) [online 15 February 2025].

doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2025.02.021

ISSSN: 0273-1177

Acknowledgements: Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, #GRANT 3108/2021—NOVA2LIBS4fusion and #GRANT 6821—ATMOLCOL; The Institute of Physics Belgrade and Astronomical Observatory through a grant by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. COST Actions: CA20129 (MultIChem), CA21101 (COSY), CA21136 (CosmoVerse), CA22133 (PLANETS) supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). VAS is grateful for the hospitality of West University Timisoara.

(M21=8, if2=2.8 for 2023 A&A_28/69, EA_10/35, GM_75/201, M&AS_50/94; if5=2.6 for 2023 A&A_31/69, EA_10/35, GM_97/201, M&AS_61/94)

[CiteScore=5.2 for 2023 GE&PS 33/153(78%); SJR=0.663; SNIP=1.221]


P3. Zorica Ž. Lazarević, Aleksandra Milutinović, Milica Ćurčić, Maja S. Rabasović, Ivana Stajčić, Boško Ćosić, Uroš Ralević, Novica Paunović, Branka Hadžić, Bojana Simović, Dalibor Sekulić, Vesna Paunović,

“Influence of Er3+ concentration and sintering temperature on structural and spectroscopic properties of BaTiO3:Er3+”,

Optical Materials, 159, 116581 (2025) [11pp]

ISSN: 0925-3467

Acknowledgements: Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, #GRANT 7504386—"Nano Object in Own Matrix – Self Composite – NOOM-SeC"; The Institute of Physics Belgrade and Vinˇca Institute of Nuclear Sciences and Faculty of Electronic Engineering at the University of Niš through a grant by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.

(M21=8, if2=3.8 for 2023 MSM_145/342, O_27/98; if5=3.5 for 2023 MSM_159/342, O_26/98)

[CiteScore=6.6 for 2023 EOMM 68/284(76%); SJR=0.647; SNIP=0.894]


P2. V. A. Srećković, B. P. Marinković, Lj. M. Ignjatijvić and V. Vujičić,

MolD, EMol and ACol atomic and molecular databases for astrophysics: current stage and new directions of development”,

Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnaté Pleso, 55(2), 81-87 (2025).

Special issue: Astrophysical Spectroscopy - A&M DATA - Modelling”, Palić, Serbia, November 12-15, 2024.

doi: 10.31577/caosp.2025.55.2.81

ISSN: 1335–1842

Acknowledgements: Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, #GRANT 6821, Atoms and (bio)molecules-dynamics and collisional processes on short time scale—ATMOLCOL; The Institute of Physics Belgrade and Astronomical Observatory through a grant by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. COST Actions: CA20129 (MultIChem), CA21101 (COSY), CA22133 (PLANETS) supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). VAS is grateful for the hospitality of West University Timisoara.

(M23=3, if2=0.4 for 2023 A&A_69/69; if2=0.5 for 2022 A&A_66/69; if5=0.3 for 2023 A&A_69/69; if5=0.4 for 2022 A&A_66/69)

[CiteScore=1.1 for 2023 A&A 73/90(19%); SJR=0.203; SNIP=0.255]


P1. M. S. Rabasović, B. Predojević, D. Šević and B. P. Marinković,

“Electron energy loss spectra of magnesium in autoionization region”,

Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnaté Pleso, 55(2), 54-61 (2025).

Special issue: Astrophysical Spectroscopy - A&M DATA - Modelling”, Palić, Serbia, November 12-15, 2024.

doi: 10.31577/caosp.2025.55.2.54

ISSN: 1335–1842

Acknowledgements: Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, #GRANT 6821, Atoms and (bio)molecules-dynamics and collisional processes on short time scale—ATMOLCOL; The Institute of Physics Belgrade, through a grant by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Personal gratitude to late Prof. Dr. Vladimir M. Pejčev.

(M23=3, if2=0.4 for 2023 A&A_69/69; if2=0.5 for 2022 A&A_66/69; if5=0.3 for 2023 A&A_69/69; if5=0.4 for 2022 A&A_66/69)

[CiteScore=1.1 for 2023 A&A 73/90(19%); SJR=0.203; SNIP=0.255]



{PA(A&U) = Physics and Astronomy (Acoustics and Ultrasonics), MS(SCF) = Materials Science (Surfaces, Coatings and Films), PA(CMP) = Physics and Astronomy (Condensed Matter Physics), MS(EOMM) = Materials Science (Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials), EEE = Electrical and Electronic Engineering, GCA = General Chemical Engineering, GPA=General Physics and Astronomy, FFTP = Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes, PTC=Physical and Theoretical Chemistry}




Invited Talks, Contributed Papers and Abstracts at Conferences and Meetings







Other publications












SEMINARS in 2025:








“Atoms and (bio)molecules-dynamics and collisional processes on short time scale”,

„Dinamika i sudarni procesi atoma i (bio)molekula na skalama kratkog vremena”,

Science Fund #6821, ATMOLCOL : December 2023 - November 2026

Principal investigator: Dr. Violeta Petrović (PMFKg),

Participants: Jelena Maljković (IPB), Bratislav P. Mainković (IPB), Sanja Tošić (IPB), Vladimir A. Srećković (IPB), Hristina Delibašić Marković (PMFKg), Nenad Milojević (PMFNiš), Danilo Delibašić (PMFNiš), Ivan Mančev (PMFNiš), Jelena Vukalović (UBL)



COST Projects:


CA20129Multiscale Irradiation and Chemistry Driven Processes and Related Technologies” Start of Action - 04/10/2021    End of Action - 03/10/2025.

Management Committee members from Serbia: Dragutin Šević (IPB) and Matija Zlatar (IHTM)

participants: Jelena Maljković, Vladimir Srećković (IPB), Milan Dimitrijević (AOB), Biljana Gakovic (INN Vinca).




Republic of Serbia-JINR Russia collaboration program

“Theory of Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions”

participants: T. Grozdanov (IPB), N. Simonović (IPB).

History and current cooperation of Serbia with JINR laboratories




National INNOVATION & SAIGE Projects:













Dissemination activities



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