Some Recent Publications

Refereed Journals
- Helium (g,2e) triple differential cross sections at an excess energy of 60 eV.
C. Dawson, S. Cvejanovic, D. P. Seccombe, T. J. Reddish, F. Maulbetsch, A. Huetz, J. Mazeau, and A. S. Kheifets
(J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2001) 34 L533)
- Threshold photoelectron studies of Kr and Xe. A. E. Slattery, J. P.
Wightman, M. A. MacDonald, S. Cvejanovic and T. J. Reddish (J. Phys. B: At.
Mol. Opt. Phys. (2000) 33 4833)
- (g,2e) in He – a practical parametrisation of the
triple differential cross section. S. Cvejanovic and T.J. Reddish (J. Phys.
B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2000) 33 4691)
- Photodouble ionisation of helium at an excess energy of 40 eV. S.
Cvejanovic, J. P. Wightman, T.J.Reddish, F. Maulbetsch, M. A. MacDonald, A.S.
Kheifets, and I. Bray. (J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2000)
33 265)
- A procedure for measuring photoelectron angular distributions from
gas-phase targets using an angle- and energy-dispersive spectrometer. J.P.
Wightman, S Cvejanovic and T J Reddish (J Elec Spec (1998)
95 203)
- (g,2e) cross section measurements of D2 and He.
J.P. Wightman, S Cvejanovic and T J Reddish
(J Phys B: At Mol Opt Phys (1998) 31 1753)
- Triple differential cross section measurements for double photoionisation of D2.
T.J Reddish, J.P. Wightman, M.A.MacDonald and S.Cvejanovic
(Phys Rev Letts (1997) 79 2438)
- Dual toroidal photoelectron spectrometer for investigating photodouble ionization in atoms and molecules.
T.J. Reddish, G. Richmond, G.W. Bagley, J.P. Wightman, and S. Cvejanovic
(Rev Sci Instrum (1997) 68 2685)
- Threshold Electron Impact Excitation of Hydrogen Chloride.
J.Jureta, S.Cvejanovic, D.Cvejanovic, M.Kurepa and D.Cubric
(J Phys B: At Mol Phys (1989) 22 2623)
- Threshold Electron Impact Excitation of Cl2.
J.Jureta, S.Cvejanovic, M.Kurepa and D.Cvejanovic
(Z.Phys.A: Atoms and Nuclei (1982) 304 143-53)
- The Effective Geometrical Factor (Ld w)eff in Differential Cross Section Measurements.
L.Vuskovic, S.Cvejanovic and M.Kurepa
(Fizika (1970) 2, Suppl,1 26-31)
International Conferernce Proceedings
- Recent electron angular distribution measurements in (g,2e) of D2 and helium. T J Reddish, J.P
Wightman and S Cvejanovic. The Physics of Electronic and Atomic
Collisions Edt Y Itikawa et al AIP (New York) 2000 p146-155 (ISBN
- The triple differential cross section measurements for (g,2e) in helium at intermediate energies. J.P. Wightman, T
J Reddish and S Cvejanovic. Coincidence Studies of Electron and Photon
Impact Ionization Edt. C T Whelan and H R J Walters Plenum Press
(New York) 1997 p115- 119 (ISBN 0-306-45689-3)
- Studies of electron correlations in the photoionisation of rare gas atoms
using toroidal multidetectors. T.J. Reddish, J. P. Wightman, S. Cvejanovic
The Physics of Ionized Gases (18th SPIG) Edt. B Vujicic, S Djurovic, J
Puric, IOP, University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia (1996) 141-152 (ISBN