Bratislav P. Marinkovic, Ph.D.
Date of Birth: 1956
Place of Birth:
Marital status: Married, two children
Citizenship: Serbian
Tel. +381
11 3160882 Fax +381 11 3162190
of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade
ORCID: 0000-0002-6904-6360
1980 B.Sc.
Diploma in Technical Physics, Electrical Engineering Faculty, University of
Belgrade, Serbia (Supervisor: Acad. Zoran Djurić)
1985 M.Sc. in Physics, Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia (Mentor: Prof. Leposava Vušković)
1989 Ph.D. Thesis in Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia (Mentor: Prof. Vladimir Pejčev)
Mar.1989-Apr.1991 Post-doc at JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA (Supervisor: Dr. Alan Gallagher)
From Oct.1980 at the
1980-1985 Research Assistant
21.05.1986 Research Associate
23.05.1990 Assistant Research Professor
14.02.2000 Associate Research Professor
28.02.2006 Research Professor
2021 Research Professor (retired)
Apr.1993-2010 Director of Center for Atomic and
Subatomic Physics (Centre 3),
Jan.1995-Jan.2021 Head of the Laboratory for Atomic Collision Processes, IPB
1984-1985 Experimental exercises at the Seminar of Vacuum Techniques organized by Vacuum Society of Serbia (Prof. Milan V. Kurepa).
Oct.1985 - Jun.1988 Teaching assistant, part time on "Physics I" Electrical Engineering Faculty, University of Belgrade, Serbia (Prof. Jovan Jovičić).
1993 The Invited Talk at the Annual Seminar for Physics Teachers organized by Physical Society of Serbia.
Oct.2000 - Feb 2014 Professorship on “Analysis of Circuits and
Signals” two-semesters course at the
2013-2021 engaged in Doctoral studies at The Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade on the programme Atomic and Molecular Physics. – subjects Experimental methods in electron-atom collisions (FIZDFAM6) and Photo-electron and mass spectrometry of biomolecules (FIZDFAM8).
2017-2021 engaged in Doctoral studies at Department of Physics, The Science Faculty, University of Kragujevac on the programme: F308 Structure of Atoms and Molecules.
Supervised and
mentored 4 M.Sc. Theses: R. Panajotović –awarded
The Best Thesis for 1993 at the IPB; Ž. Nikitović (2001), A.R. Milosavljević (2004), S.
Tošić – awarded “Ljubomir Ćirković”
prize for the best M.Sc Thesis for the year 2006 and
The Best Thesis for 2006 at the IPB. Mentored 3 Ph.D. Dissertations: R.
Panajotović-1999, A.R. Milosavljević-2006, S. Tošić-2012) at Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Also supervised many diploma works
at The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Belgrade. External
evaluator (
1980-present Serbian Physical Society (former Union Societies of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Yugoslavia - SDMFAJ)
1992-present European Physical Society, Individual Ordinary Member
1997-present The Institute of Physics, U.K. - MInstP
2004–2022 The American Physical Society - APS
2012-present Optical Society of Serbia – ODS
2012-present Serbian Vacuum Society – VDS
2018-2022 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – IEEE
2019-2023 EuroPlanet Society
Co-author of 130 scientific papers and two book chapters.
Total number of citations (without self-citations): over 1300; h=20.
Invited talks at international meetings: 40; at national meetings: 20; Editorials: 12
Co-author on over 220 contributions at international and 75 at national conferences.
Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Chemical Physics, Electron/Atom(Molecule) Collisions, Electron Interactions with Biomolecules, Synchrotron Radiation and Interaction with (Bio)Molecules, Radiation Damage, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Memristors, Circuits and Systems, Time Resolved Laser Induced Fluorescence, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Vacuum Technology, Databases.
May 1992-1997 Member of The Assembly and Executive Board of The Association of University Libraries in Serbia (ZBUS).
1996 Acknowledgement -
1997 Member of the Board for Strategic Development of Yugoslav Metrological System. Booklet (in Serbian)
2004 Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of Republic of Serbia the second prize award for scientific achievements in project research in period 2002-2003.
2009 Member of the Jury for the award of Foundation “Prof. Dr. Marko V. Jaric” for year 2008.
Sep 2010 – 2016 Member of The Scientific Board for Physics (Matični odbor za fiziku), Republic of Serbia
June 2011 – June 2014 Chair of Scientific Board of the Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade (IPB).
2012 Acknowledgement – National Library of Serbia for collaboration.
2015 – Jan. 2021 Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Physics Belgrade (IPB).
2022 Member of Board of Directors in VAMDC Consortium.
Sep.1986 Technical
Dec.1991 Schuster
Laboratory, University of
Mar.& Aug.1998 Synchrotron Radiation Source at Duresbury (Dr. Nigel Mason)
April 2001 Laser
& Applications Division, Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser
(I.E.S.L.), Foundation for Research and Technology -
June 2003 LCAM, Universite Paris-Sud XI (Dr. Roger Azria)
July 2004 LCAM, Université
Paris-Sud XI (Dr. R. Azria)
May 2005 short term scientific mission to Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia (Prof. D. J. Skalny)
Dec. 2005 LCAM, Université
Paris-Sud XI (Dr. R. Azria)
July 2006
Exchange Grant EIPAM (Electron Induced Processes at Molecular Level), CSIC,
Nov. 2006 Daresbury synchrotron, (Prof. N. J. Mason)
July 2007 LCAM, Université Paris-Sud XI (Dr. R.
May & Dec 2008 SUPELEC, Paris-Gif-sur-Yvette (Dr. Sorin Olaru)
Nov. 2009 Inst. J. Stefan (Dr. I. Čadež)
Dec 2009 SUPELEC,
Paris-Gif-sur-Yvette (Dr. Sorin Olaru)
Nov. 2010 Univ.
Apr.& Nov.2012 FIAS Frankfurt (Prof. A.
Dec. 2012 Univ Ljubljana (Prof. J. Možina)
June & Nov. 2013 FIAS Frankfurt (Prof. A. Solov’yov)
July 2014 ATOMKI
Debrecen (Dr. Károly Tőkési)
2015 ELETTRA, Trieste (Drs. L. Avaldi & P.
& Oct. 2015
Mar.& Dec. 2016 ELETTRA, Trieste (Drs. L. Avaldi
& P. Bolognesi)
& Nov. 2016 Goethe Univ. Frankfurt (Prof. M. Huth)
Sep. 2017 ELETTRA, Trieste (Drs. L. Avaldi, P. Bolognesi
& M. Coreno)
Oct. 2017 Goethe Univ. Frankfurt (Prof. M. Huth)
Aug. 2018 ELETTRA, Trieste (Drs.
S. Tošic & M. Coreno)
Jan. 2019 Istituto di Struttura della Materia (ISM-CNR),
Roma - Monterotondo (Drs.
L. Avaldi, P. Bolognesi)
Dec 2019 Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (LPL - UMR 7538), Institut Galilée, Université
Paris 13 – Campus Villetaneuse (Anne AMY- KLEIN, Gabriel
Dutier, Francisco Perales, Charles Garcion, Martial Ducloy, Jacques
2003-2005 participation at EU fp5 Network EPIC (Electron and Positron Induced Chemistry)
From 2003
National Representative of
2003-2007 Member of Management Committee of
From June 2004 to
June 2009 participation at ESF Research Networking Programmes (RNP) in
Physical and Engineering Sciences (PESC), EIPAM (Electron Induced
Processing at the Molecular Level)
2004-2006 Member of Technical Committee (TC) of COST Physics (European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research).
2005-2006 Liaison
Member of
2006-2014 Member,
2006-2010 Liaison Member of
2007-2011 Member of Management Committee of COST Action CM0601 “Electron Controlled Chemical Lithography” (ECCL)
2009-2013 Rapporteur for the CMST
2010-2014 Substitute Member of Management Committee of COST Action MP1002 “Nano-scale insights in ion beam cancer therapy” (Nano-IBCT)
2011-2014 Co-Rapporteur for the MPNS
2012-2014 Co-Rapporteur for the MPNS
2013-2014 Rapporteur for the CMST
2014-2018 MC substitute at COST Action IC1401 “Memristors - Devices, Models, Circuits, Systems and Applications (MemoCiS)”.
2015-present COSTmember of Committee of Senior Officials (CSO).
2016-present National Representative in ESUO - European Synchrotron and FEL User Organisation
2019 National representative at the EuroPlanet HUB meeting, Budapest
2019-present National delegate of Serbian Vacuum Society at the IUVISTA (The International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications) Electronic Materials and Processing Division.
2024-present Member of The Supervisory Board of the NEPHEWS project (Neutrons and Photons Elevating Worldwide Science).
1993-2000 Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG).
1994 Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 17th SPIG'94 Conference.
1999/2000 Member of the Scientific Committee of the 10th Congress of Yugoslav Physicists.
2000 Member of the Organizing Committee of the 20th SPIG'2000 Conference.
2002-PRESENT Member of the Advisory Committee of the International Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG – 21st – 29th).
2004 Member, Scientific Committee of the 11th Congress of Yugoslav Physicists.
2006 Co-chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 23rd SPIG'2006 Conference.
2007 Member of the Advisory Committee of the 5th Int. Conf. on Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems RADAM 2007, 19th – 22nd June, Dublin, Ireland.
2008 Member of the Advisory Committee of the 6th Int. Conf. on Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems RADAM 2008, 13th – 15th June, Debrecen, Hungary.
2008 Chair of the Scientific Committee of the 1st National Conference on Electronic, Atomic, Molecular and Photonic Physics (1st CEAMPP) of Serbian Physical Society.
2009 Member of the Advisory Committee of the 6th Int. Conf. on Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems RADAM 2009, 1st – 4th July, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
2010 Member of the Organizing Committee of the 20th European Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG).
2011 Chair of the Scientific Committee of the 2nd National Conference on Electronic, Atomic, Molecular and Photonic Physics (2nd CEAMPP) of Serbian Physical Society.
2011 Chair of the International Advisory Board of the 5th Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems (CEPAS2011)
2012 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Regional Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Data (Belgrade)
2013 Chair of the Scientific Committee of the 3rd National Conference on Electronic, Atomic, Molecular and Photonic Physics (3rd CEAMPP) of Serbian Physical Society.
2014 Member of the Organizing Committee of the 27th SPIG'2014 Conference.
2017&2018 Member of the Technical Program Committee of The International Conference on Memristive Materials, Devices & Systems (MEMRISYS): Athens, Greece, 03-06 April 2017 and Beijing, China, 03-06 July 2018.
2019 Member of the Scientific Committee “Integrations of satelite and ground-based observations and multi-disciplinarity in research and prediction of different types of hazards in solar system” EuroPlanet meeting
2019 Co-chair of the Local Organizing Committee of POSMOL2019 (XX International Workshop on Low-Energy Positron and Positronium Physics and XXI International Symposium on Electron- Molecule Collisions and Swarms)
2019 Organizer of the ESUO 1st Regional Workshop
2021-2024 Member of the Scientific Committee of the III , the IV , the V and the VI Meeting on Astrophysical Spectroscopy – A&M Data.
1996/2000 “Atomic and Molecular Physics -
Experimental Physics of Atomic Particle Collisions” - Ministry for Science and
2002/2005 “Experimental
investigation of laser and electron interactions with atoms, metal vapours and molecules” Ministry for Science, Technology
and Development,
2003/2007 “Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems”
COST Action P9
(European Cooperation in the Field of Science and Technical Research) co-ordinator: N. J. Mason,
2004/2005 “Organic functionalization of
semiconductors” – Programme “Pavle Savic” EGIDE,
2006/2010 “Electron and laser spectrometry and collisional cross sections for atoms, ions, molecules, metastables and biomolecules” Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, No.141011; principal investigator: B. P. Marinkovic
2007/2008 “Semiconductor
functionalization processed by low-energy electron irradiation of condensed
alcohols and amines”
2007/2011 “Electron Controlled Chemical Lithography”
CM0601 (European Cooperation in the Field of Science and Technical
Research) co-ordinator: Oddur Ingólfsson, Chemistry
Science Institute University of Iceland, Iceland. National delegate for
2011/2019 “Physics
of collisions and photo processes in atomic, (bio)molecular and nano-sized
systems” Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development,
Republic of Serbia, grant # OI 171020; principal investigator: B. P. Marinković
2012/2013 “Spectroscopy and high-speed shadowgraphy of laser-induced plasma” Project Serbian – Slovenian
Bilateral Cooperation # 651-03-1251/2012-09/03, principal investigators: Prof. Janez Možina (FS) and Dr. B. P. Marinković (IPB)
2012/2013 “Electron and ion collision data base as a support for nanodosimetry research in radiation damage”, MESTD Republic of Serbia - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst-DAAD, (DAAD #54394840 and MESTD RS # 680-00-00095/2012-09/9), principal investigators: Prof. Andrey Solov’yov (FIAS) and Dr. B. P. Marinković (IPB)
2014/2015 “Nanoscale insights in radiation damage”, Republic of Serbia –
Italia, 2014 – 2015: Research projects of particular relevance selected within
the frame of the executive programme of scientific
and technological cooperation between Italian Republic and Republic of Serbia –
Research area: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology; Principal
investigators: Dr. Lorenzo Avaldi (CNR – Consiglio
Nazionale delle Ricerche,
Roma, Istituto di Metodologie
Inorganiche e dei Plasmi – IMIP) and Dr. B. P. Marinković (IPB).
2014/2016 Thema 5: “Interaction and Decay Mechanisms Following
Ultrashort Phenomena in Atoms and Molecules”; University of Belgrade – Hutmboldt-Universität zu Berlin;
Principal investigators: PD Dr. Alejandro Saenz (HU) and Dr. B. P.
Marinković (IPB).
Apr.2015/2016 “Identifying superior precursor
molecules for focused electron beam induced deposition (FEBID)”,
1981/85 “Physics of Plasma Energetics - Binary Collisions of Electrons with Atomic Species” - Republic Council for Science, Serbia; principal investigator: Dr. Marko M. Popovic
1980/84 “Measurements of the Differential Cross-Sections for Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Electrons by Metal Atoms” - U.S.A.-Yugoslav Joint Board on Sci. & Tech. Coop; NBS-Yugoslav Coop. Res. Prog.; Grant No.260, principal investigator: L. Vuskovic, monitor: R. J. Cellota
1986/90 “Atomic and Molecular Physics - Binary Collisions of Electrons with Atomic Species”- Republic Council for Science, Serbia; principal investigator: Prof. Dr. M. V. Kurepa
1985/90 “Measurements of the Differential Cross-Sections for Elastic and Inelastic Electron Dispersion in Atomic Particles” - U.S.A.-Yugoslav Joint Board on Sci. & Tech. Coop; NBS(NIST)-Yugoslav Coop. Res. Prog.; Grant No.598; principal investigators: Drs. L. Vuskovic, I. Cadez, monitor: M. H. Kelley
1989/90 “Spin Exchange Cross Sections for Electron Excitation of Atoms” - Fundamental Interaction Branch of the Division of Chemical Sciences, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Energy Research, Department of Energy, USA, principal investigator: Dr. Alan Gallagher
1989/91 “Atomic and Molecular Physics” Federal Council for Science, Technology and Informatics, Yugoslavia; principal investigator: Prof. Dr. M. V. Kurepa
1991/95 “Binary Collisions of Atomic Particles - Measurements of Electron Differential Cross Sections by Atomic Particles” Ministry for Science and Technology, Republic of Serbia, Project No.E.0106; principal investigators: Dr. N. Djuric and Prof. Dr. M. V. Kurepa
1994 “Atomic Beam Sources for the Investigations in Atomic Physics” - Federal Ministry for Development, Science and Environment, No.OSI-256; principal investigator: Dr. I. Cadez
2002/2005 “Electron and Positron Induced Chemistry”
FP5 project, Research network contract (sub-node of Open University), HPRN-CT-2002-00179
2004/2005 “Electron molecule collisions – ions from dissociative processes” – bilateral agreement between Slovenia and Serbia; principal investigators: Dr. Iztok Cadez and Dr. Dragutin Sevic
2004/2009 ESF Research
Networking Programmes (RNP) in
Physical and Engineering Sciences (PESC), EIPAM (Electron Induced Processing at the Molecular Level) co-ordinator: Prof. Dr. N. J. Mason,
2005 “Electron spectroscopy of Ytterbium atom” – project of Ministry of Science and Technology of Republika Srpska, BiH, No.06/6-020/961-25/05; principal investigator: Dr. Branko Predojevic
2006/2007 “Elastic and inelastic electron scattering at low and medium energies by Magnesium atom” – project of Ministry of Science and Technology of Republika Srpska, BiH, No.06/0-020/961-33/06; principal investigator: Dr. Branko Predojevic
2008/2009 “Network control systems” Serbian – French technology co-operation for years 2008-2009; Programme “Pavle Savic” EGIDE, France and Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Serbia; principal investigators: Dr. Sorin Olaru and Dr. Slavica Marinkovic
2008/2009 “Electron
induced fragmentation of organic molecules and small hydrocarbons”,
bilateral agreement between
2009 “Measurements of differential cross sections for electron scattering by Rubidium atom” – project of Ministry of Science and Technology of Republika Srpska, BiH, No.06/0-020/961-97/08; principal investigator: Branko Predojevic
2010/2013 “UV-B
radiation: A specific regulator of plant growth and food quality in a changing
(acronym: UV4growth), ESF/COST Action FA0906, Management Committee members from
March 2010/Feb.2012 “Excitation and fragmentation of small
biomolecules”, Project Serbian – Slovak Bilateral Cooperation No.
SKSRB-0011-09. Principal investigators: Dr. Aleksandar Milosavljević
(IPB) and Prof. Dr. Štefan Matejčík, DrSc.Univ.Comenius.
2010/2014 “Nano-scale
insights in ion beam cancer therapy” (Nano-IBCT) – ESF/COST Action MP1002. Management Committee members from
Jan. 2012/July 2012 “Photoionization of nanosolvated biomolecular ions isolated in the gas phase” #20110694 оn beamline DESIRS-6.65 m Monochromator SOLEIL, principal investigator: A. R. Milosavljevic
Jan 2012/Dec 2013 “Photon and electron spectroscopy of pure and nano-solvated biomolecules isolated in gas phase” Republic of Serbia- France, Program “Pavle Savić” # 680-00-132/2012-09/06, principal investigators: Dr. A. Giuliani (Synchrotron SOLEIL) and Dr. A. R. Milosavljević (IPB)
light and fast ions for ultrafast chemistry (XLIC)” COST Action CM1204; Management Committee members from
Serbia: Dr. Nenad
Simonović (IPB) and Prof. Dr. Dragana Milić
2013-2015 “Interactions
of charge particles with single insulating capillaries”,
Nov.2014/2015 “Non-contact observation of laser-induced
breakdown and fluorescence in different materials”
Dec.2014/2015 “Study of energy structure of Bi and electron interactions with atomic bismuth” – project of Ministry of Science and Technology of Republika Srpska, BiH, #19/6-020/961-167/14; principal investigator: Prof. Branko Predojević.
Dec.2014/2018 “Memristors - Devices, Models, Circuits, Systems and Applications (MemoCiS)”, COST Action IC1401, Management Committee members from Serbia: Dr. Milka Potrebic (ETF Univ. of Belgrade), B. Tomčik (IPB).
2015 “Investigation
of the fragmentation mechanisms of nitroimidazole radio sensitisers”
Proposal 20150216, Beamline GASPHASE, ELET
2016/2018 “A nanoview of radiation-biomatter interaction”Republic of Serbia – Italy, Research projects of particular relevance (Grande Rilevanza) selected within the frame of the executive programme of scientific and technological cooperation between Italian Republic and Republic of Serbia – Research area: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, principal investigators: Dr. Paola Bolognesi (CNR – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma, Istituto di Metodologie Inorganiche e dei Plasmi – IMIP) and Dr. S. Tošić (IPB).
2016 “Investigation
of the radiation damage mechanisms of chemotherapeutically active nitro
compounds” Proposal 20160070, Beamline GASPHASE, ELET
2018 “Investigation
of the fragmentation mechanisms of halogenated anesthetics” Proposal 20180158,
Dec. 2018/2019 “Elastic Electron Scattering from bismuth atom and triethyl-phosphate molecule” – project of Ministry for Science-Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society of Republika Srpska, BiH, # 19/6-020/961-67/18; principal investigator: Prof. Branko Predojević.
2020/2021 “Memristors: from fabrication to IC design” – bilateral project Republic of Serbia and DAAD, Germany – principal investigators: Dr. Nataša Samardžić (FTN, UNS) and Prof. Ronald Tetzlaff (Techn. Univ. Dresden).
2023/2026 “Atoms and (bio)molecules-dynamics
and collisional processes on short time scale – (ATMOLCOL)”
– grant Science Fund, Republic of Serbia, grant #6821; principal investigator: Violeta
1980/83 “Development of a Device for Continual Measurements of SO2 in the Human Environment”, Institute of Physics - "Miloje Zakić" Ltd. principal investigator: L. Vušković
1981/82 “Development of a Generator of Ions in the
Air and a Device for Measuring Ion Concentrations in the Air”, Teleoptik, Ltd. -
1993 “Development
of an electron spectrometer ESMA” Federal Ministry for Science,
2002 “Development
of an Automatic System for Vacuum and High Pressure Calibration of Pressure
Gauges”, VOC, Batajnica –
2006 “Implementation and commercialization of a Device for Measuring Ion Concentrations in the Air”, Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection: Program of knowledge transfer and technology for innovative and regional development, Innovative projects. Grant No.IP8067; principal investigator: B. P. Marinković
July 2007/June 2008. “Fully automated and autonomous detector of atmospheric ions”, Ministry of Science: Program of knowledge transfer and technology for innovative and regional development, Innovative projects. Application No. 451-01-02960/2006-56; Grant No. 401-00-263/2007-01/18; principal investigator: P. Kolarž
April 2008/March 2009 “Characterization of insulating nanocapillaries by electron beams”, Ministry of Science and Technological Development: Program of research in the field of technological development for the period 1.04.2008-31.03.2011, Field: The applied research in sciences. Grant No. 23024; principal investigator: A. R. Milosavljević
2010/present Participation at the
VAMDC and SUP@VAMDC projects as a part of the Consortium which curates database BEAMDB – Belgrade
electron/atom (molecule)