Curriculum Vitae

Dr Saša Dujko
Laboratory for Non-Equilibrium Processes and Plasma Applications
Institute of Physics Belgarde, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Zemun, Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: + 381 11 3713 001; Fax: +381 11 3162 190; Web:


- 2001. B. Sc. in Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia;

Monte Carlo simulations of non-conservative electron transport in time-dependent electric fields

- 2004. M. Sc. in Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
Monte Carlo simulations of electron transport in crossed electic and magnetic fields
- 2009. Ph.D. in Physics, James Cook University, Australia
Multi-term Boltzmann Equation Analysis and Monte Carlo study of hydrodynamic and non-hydrodynamic charged particle swarms

- Gaseous Electronics Laboratory, Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2001-2004: Research trainee.
- Gaseous Electronics Laboratory, Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2004-2010: Research assistant.
- School of Mathematics, Physics and IT, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 2004-2008: PhD student and teaching assistant.
- ARC Centre for Antimatter-Matter Studies, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, James Cook University, Australia, 2008-2011: International Associate.
- Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, MAC3 Group: Multiscale Modeling and Nonlinear Dynamics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2010-2011: PostDoc and Scientific stuff member.
- Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, MAC3 Group: Multiscale Modeling and Nonlinear Dynamics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2011-2012: Scientific adviser and international associate.
- Gaseous Electronics Laboratory, Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2011- 2016 Associate Professor.
- Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, MAC3 Group: Multiscale Modeling and Nonlinear Dynamics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2012-2013: Scientific adviser and international associate.
- Gaseous Electronics Laboratory, Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2016- Research Professor.

Plasma Physics, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Kinetic Theory of Plasmas, Swarm Physics and Gaseous Electronics, Transport of Electrons and Positrons in Gases and Soft-Condensed Matter, Positron Physics, Planetary Atmospheric Physics, Physics of Particle Detectors

- "Ljubomir Cirković", Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Award for the Best BSc (Honors) Thesis for the Year 2001.
- "Ljubomir Cirković" Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Award for the Best MSc Thesis for the Year 2004.

- International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) Australian Award in 2004.

- Graduate Research School Scholarship Award in 2007 (James Cook University).

- Write-up Scholarship and Doctoral Publication Award in 2008 (James Cook University).

- Institute of Physics Award for the Best PhD Thesis for the Year 2009 (University of Belgrade).

- Member of International Advisory Committee at the International Symposium on Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms 2009-2015.

- Member of Local Organizing Committee of the XX European Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases13 - 17 July 2010, Novi Sad, Serbia.   

- Chair of the Second National Conference on Electronic, Atomic, Molecular and Photonic Physics (CEAMPP), June 21-25, 2011, Belgrade, Serbia.

- Member of Local Organizing Committee of the Fifth Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems (CEPAS), June 21-25, 2011, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Institute of Physics Award for the Year 2012 (University of Belgrade).
- Member of Scientific Committee of National Conference on Electronic, Atomic, Molecular and Photonic Physics (CEAMPP).
- Most Cited Paper Award, 7th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, JJAP Special Issue "Plasma Processing" Vol.50 8S1 (2011), ICRP-9 October 15 2015, Hawaii, USA.
- Kinetic methods in technological plasmas, Guest Editor in Special issue of Plasma Sources Science and Technology (IOP).
- Fluid modeling of resistive plate chambers: impact of transport data on development of streamers and induced signals
by D. Bošnjaković, Z.Lj. Petrović and S. Dujko
has been selected by the Editorial Board of Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics for inclusion in the exclusive ‘Highlights of 2016’ collection, and were chosen on the basis of novelty, scientific impact and broadness of appeal. [Download] [Certificate]
- Ab initio electron scattering cross-sections and transport in liquid xenon
by G.J. Boyle, R.P. McEachran, D.G. Cocks, M.J. Brunger, S.J. Buckman, S. Dujko and R.D. White
has been selected by the Editorial Board of Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics for inclusion in the exclusive ‘Highlights of 2016’ collection, and were chosen on the basis of novelty, scientific impact and broadness of appeal. [Download] [Certificate]
- Co-chair of the 22nd International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications (GD2018), September 2-7, 2018, Novi Sad, Serbia.
- Chair of the First Workshop on Swarm Physics and Gaseous Electronics, (SPGD 2018), September 7, Novi Sad, Serbia.
- Co-chair of the XX International Workshop on Low-Energy Positron and Positronium Physics & XXI International Symposium on Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms (POSMOL 2019), July 18-21, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Chair of the V Workshop on Non-Equilibrium Processes, (POSMOL 2019), July 21, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Member of International Scientific Committee BPU11 Congress.
- IOP Publishing Award: Outstanding Reviewer for Plasma Sources Science and Technology for 2020.
- Member of the University Council (University of Belgrade) 2021.
- IOP Publishing Award: Outstanding Reviewer for Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics for 2021.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Meeting on Astrophysical Spectroscopy 2022.
- Chair of the Second Workshop on Swarm Physics and Gaseous Electronics, (SPGD 2024), August 26, Belgrade, Serbia.

- 2002 – 2006 Physics and Applications of Low-temperature Plasmas (Institue of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia).
- 2006 – 2010 Physics Fundamentals of Applications of Non-Equilibrium Plasmas in Nanotechnologies and Treatment of Materials (Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia).
- 2004 – 2008 Kinetic Modeling of Plasma Discharges (James Cook University, Australia).
- 2007 – 2010 Positron Transport in Gaseous and Soft-condensed Matter Systems (ARC Centre of Excellence and James Cook University, Australia).
- 2007 – 2010 Positron and Electron Induced Processes (DEST International Science Linkages, Australia).
- 2006 – 2010 Reinforcing Experimental Centre for Non-equilibrium Studies with Application in Nano-technologies, Etching of Integrated Circuits and Environmental Research (COE, EU).
- 2010 – 2013 Centre for Antimatter-matter Studies Extension (ARC Centre of Excellence and James Cook University, Australia).
- 2010 – 2011 Electrodynamic characterization of positive and negative streamers in pulsed power corona reactors (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), MAC3, Multiscale modeling and Non-linear Dynamics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
- 2011 – The start up of lighting and lightning: Streamer discharges in lamp ignition, electric switches and materials processing (collaboration with the Centum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
- 2011 – 2013 Electron Transport in Soft-condensed Matter (ARC Discovery, Australia).
- 2014 – 2016 Positron Nano-dosimetry (ARC Discovery, Australia).
- 2022 – Fundamental processes and applications of particle transport processes in non-equilibrium plasmas, traps and nano-structures, (Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia).  
- 2022 – Exploring ultra low global warming potential gases for insulation in high-voltage technology: Experiments and modelling, (Program Ideas, Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia).
- 2022 – Relativistic electrons and terrestrial gamma-ray flashes from lightning, (Independent Research Fund Denmark).

- 2004-2008: James Cook University, AustraliaMA1721 (Computer Mathematics); MA1000 (Mathematical Foundations); MA1003 (Mathematical Techniques).
- 2015: Course lecturer, Collisional and transport processes in ionized gases, Physics of ionized gases and plasma, Doctoral studies, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia

PhD Theses:
2014-2020: Thesis advisor to Ilija Simonović (PhD Thesis: Kinetic and fluid models of non-equilibrium transport of electrons in gases and liquids, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2020)
2012-2016: Thesis advisor to Danko Bošnjaković (PhD Thesis: Applications of electron swarm theory in modeling of gaseous particle detectors, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2016)
2010-2014: Thesis advisor to Aram Markosyan (PhD Thesis: Multiple time scales in streamer discharges, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2014)
2008-2012: Thesis advisor to Ana Bankovic (PhD Thesis: Collisions and transport of positrons: Kinetic phenomena and biomedical applications; Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2012).
2012-2022: Thesis advisor to Jasmina Mirić (PhD Thesis: Electron transport, development of avalanches and streamer propagation in strong electronegative gases, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2022)

MSc Theses:
2022: Thesis advisor to Kevin Rupp (MSc Thesis: Particle-in-Cell Monte Carlo Simulations on the Newest Generation of Supercomputers, DTU Space, Elektrovej Building 328, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 2022 ).
2019: Thesis advisor to Nikolaos Segkos (MSc Thesis: Streamer discharges in the atmosphere of Primordial Earth, DTU Space, Elektrovej Building 328, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, 2019 ).
2014: Thesis advisor to Ilija Adžić (MSc Thesis: Collisional and transport properties for electrons in planetary gaseous discharges, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2014).
2012: Thesis advisor to Jasmina Mirić (MSc Thesis: Applications of electron swarm transport coefficients in modeling of light sources, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2012).

List of publications

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Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia