[hep-th] seminar

Branislav Cvetkovic cbranislav at ipb.ac.rs
Mon Nov 5 11:55:54 CET 2018

Postovane kolege,

U petak 9. novembra u 11 h na Institutu za fiziku, u sali 360,  Fermin 
Aldabe ce odrzati seminar pod naslovom
"Quantum Gravitodynamics  As The Path To Unification". Apstrakt vam 
prosledjujem u nastavku.



We present the 4 dimensional QGD theory:  An SO(4) Yang Mills coupled
to matter spinors. The coupling comprises terms which are absent in QED 
or QCD because
the SO(4) generators do not commute with the Dirac gamma matrices. These 
new couplings
produce scattering matrix elements equal to those of the Schroedinger 
equation with the first
post Newtonian correction to the gravitational potential. We then argue 
that the path integral of
General Relativity lacks a diffeomorphic invariance and only has a local 
Lorentz symmetry. This
allows us to prove that General Relativity is a special gauge fixing of 
QGD and vice versa. We
then show examples of possible quantum calculations including effective 
potentials in the
presence of backgrounds and also the black hole entropy.

Institute of Physics Belgrade
Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia

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