A. R. Milosavljević |
Physics - Thesis - B. Sc. Diploma Work |
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OF PHYSICS Aleksandar R. Milosavljević Calculation of transmission dependence of throchoidal electron spectrometer on angle distribution of scattered electrons B. Sc. DIPLOMA WORK Belgrade, 1998. (written in Serbian) ABSTRACT The calculations of transmission function of
throchoidal electron spectrometer by numerical integration using the Monte
Carlo method were performed. The calculations were made for different types
of distributions of scattered electrons both for the interaction chamber only
and for the model of entire spectrometer.
The result of each calculation was the count of detected electrons as
a function of residual energy or scattering angle. Also, the effects due to
finite size of apertures of the spectrometer were discussed. As a conclusion,
the transmission function of a spectrometer was found to be generally
proportional to the inverse of the scattered electrons residual energy (Er).
This result was expected and is determined by the magnetic field and
spectrometer geometry. However, particularly in the near threshold region,
the transmission function becomes more complicated and dependent upon the
angular distribution of scattered electrons. Additionally, the double
throchoidal electron spectrometer, placed in the Laboratory for atom
collisions, Faculty of Physics, Belgrade, was described. REFERENCES (cited in the text)
The transmission of scattering chamber, multiplied with Er, as a function of electron energy for different angular distributions of scattered electrons.