[hep-th] COST Workshop - Athens 26-28 March - Apply by March 7 (fwd)

Maja Buric majab at ipb.ac.rs
Fri Feb 7 16:12:31 CET 2025

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2025 11:52:32 +0100
From: Alessandro Sfondrini <alessandro.sfondrini at pd.infn.it>
To: cost-network at pd.infn.it
Subject: COST Workshop - Athens 26-28 March - Apply by March 7

Dear Colleagues,

our COST Action THEORY-CHALLENGES is pleased to announce a three-day workshop on
"Exact methods in low-dimensional quantum systems", which will take place in
Athens, Greece, from 26 to 28 March 2025. More detailed information is available
on the workshop website:


The workshop covers a broad range of topics in low-dimensional quantum and
gravitational systems, including:

    - path integral of low-dimensional gravity
    - holography
    - near extremal black holes
    - integrable deformations of conformal field theories and sigma models
    - generalized symmetries

Leading researchers will share the latest developments in these areas, fostering
discussions and collaboration among participants.

In order to attend the workshop please compete the preregistration form on the
workshop website:


Please note that, if you are not a member of the Action, you are kindly asked to
join before completing the preregistration for the workshop:


Joining the action is mandatory because the official invitation to attend will
be issued through the COST portal.

The deadline for preregistration is Friday March 7, 2025.

There is no registration fee for attending this event, but non-invited
participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses.
For those attending the conference dinner there is also a flat fee of around €40
payable directly to the restaurant.

Looking forward to seeing you in Athens!

All the best,
on behalf of the organisers
(Lorenzo Di Pietro, Carlos Hoyos, Ioannis Papadimitriou, Konstantinos Sfetsos,
Konstantinos Siampos, Chiara Toldo)

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