[hep-th] Seminar grupe za gravitaciju, čestice i polja, petak, 14. februar 2025.

prlina prlina at ipb.ac.rs
Wed Feb 12 18:26:33 CET 2025

Poštovane kolege,

najavljujem da će u petak, 14. februara, Dušan Đorđević (Fizički 
fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu) održati seminar na Institutu za 


Naslov: QFT on Fuzzy AdS Spaces: Classical Limit and Boundary 
Correlation Functions

Apstrakt: AdS spacetime, a maximally symmetric solution of Einstein's 
equations with a negative cosmological constant, has gained enormous 
interest because of its space-like boundary and relation with 
holographic duality (AdS/CFT). In this talk, we will consider fuzzy AdS 
space in two and three dimensions and analyze the scalar field 
propagating on top of this quantum spacetime. We will introduce the 
notion of semi-classical states, enabling us to discuss fuzzy 
generalizations of classical points and boundaries. Establishing the 
boundary behavior of the scalar field and the classical limit of fuzzy 
spacetime, we will proceed to analyze quantum fields, obtaining the 
expression for correlation functions of operators dual to this scalar 
field at the boundary.

Seminar počinje u 11:15 uživo na Institutu za fiziku u sali 360 na 2. 
spratu. Osim toga, seminar se može pratiti i preko linka


Takođe napominjem da kolege koje nisu prisustvovale specijalnom seminaru 
prošle nedelje predavanje Igora Saloma mogu pogledati na sledećem linku:



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