[institut] SCL seminar - SiGeSn alloys, Zoran Ikonic, sreda 14. avgust 2013 u 14:00
Nenad Vukmirović
nenad.vukmirovic at ipb.ac.rs
Fri Aug 9 10:12:10 CEST 2013
Поштоване колегинице и колеге,
Позивам вас на СЦЛ семинар који ће у среду 14. августа 2013. године у
14:00 у читаоници Института за физику одржати професор Зоран Иконић
(Факултет за електронику и електротехнику, Универзитет у Лидсу, Велика
Британија). Наслов семинара је:
Electronic structure and optoelectronic applications of SiGeSn alloys
SiGeSn alloys have emerged as a new class of semiconductor alloys,
offering a direct band gap in the group IV system and being at the same
time fully compatible with Si CMOS processing. They enable independent
variation of band gaps and lattice constant, and can be used in both
lattice-matched and strained layer structures. With the possibility of
emission and absorption in the near- and mid-IR range, there is prospect
of applications for interband and quantum cascade lasers,
photodetectors, electro-absorption and electro-optic modulators, etc.
The direct gap – most important for emission – may be brought about by
alloy composition alone or combined with strain. In the context of group
IV optoelectronics, indirect gap SiGeSn alloys can also serve as barrier
layers in structures based on GeSn or Ge quantum wells, or for the
virtual substrate / stressor purposes. Reliable growth of high-quality
SiGeSn structures has proved quite challenging. With a very small
equilibrium solubility of Sn, and large lattice mismatch between Sn and
Ge/Si, the SiGeSn system is metastable and cannot be readily produced in
bulk form, and heterostructures may suffer from strain relaxation. The
recent successes in this field pave the way towards materials that
combine the optical properties of III-Vs and silicon’s low cost
manufacturability. The present status of theoretical understanding and
experimental achievements in the development of SiGeSn material for
optoelectronic applications is reviewed.
Срдачан поздрав,
Др Ненад Вукмировић,
Виши научни сарадник,
Лабораторија за примену рачунара у науци,
Институт за физику Београд,
URL: http://www.scl.rs/nenad
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