[phys4phys] Reminder: Naučno-stručni skup AOB (14. 01.)

Ana Vudragovic ana at aob.rs
Wed Jan 12 08:15:18 CET 2022

Dear colleagues,

this is a reminder for the Scientific meeting that will be held at the Library of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade on Friday. 

Time and Date: 14 January (Friday) at 13h Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade (Library) .

Lecturer: Rahul Kannan (Institute for Theory and Computation, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)

Title: First results from the THESAN project: predictions for multi-tracer line intensity mapping in the epoch of reionization

For those who are not able to attend the talk at the Library, we are providing the link to join via Webex live:
 https://matf.webex.com/matf/j.php?MTID=me522fc9e76679effe8170461d4c35b29 <https://matf.webex.com/matf/j.php?MTID=me522fc9e76679effe8170461d4c35b29> 

The talk will be recorded and uploaded to the official Youtube channel of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade (https://www.youtube.com/c/AstronomskaOpservatorijaBeograd <https://www.youtube.com/c/AstronomskaOpservatorijaBeograd>) during the same evening.

Current and upcoming facilities like JWST, ALMA, HERA, SPHEREx
etc., will unleash a flood of high redshift observational data that will
usher the study of the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) into a new era,
making it the next big frontier in cosmological structure formation. It
is therefore important for theoretical models to achieve sufficient
accuracy and physical fidelity to meaningfully interpret these
observational results. This requires a realistic description of galaxy
formation in an evolving radiation field.  In this talk, I will
introduce the THESAN simulation project that couples state-of-the-art
galaxy formation models with accurate radiative transfer, dust, and
non-equilibrium thermochemistry. The suite consists of large volume
(~100 Mpc), high resolution (~10 pc) simulations designed to
simultaneously model the large-scale statistical properties of the
intergalactic medium (IGM) during reionization and the resolved
characteristics of the galaxies responsible for it. I will briefly
discuss applications from the first set of papers, including predictions
for high redshift galaxy properties, LyC escape fractions and the
emergence of the Lyman-alpha forest. I will finish by highlighting the
potential of using Line intensity mapping of spectral lines originating
from the interstellar medium (ISM) of galaxies and the 21 cm emission
from the neutral hydrogen gas in the Universe to accurately characterize
the sources that dominate the ionizing photon budget.

Ana Vudragović
Research Associate
Astronomical Observatory
Volgina 7, 11060 Belgrade, Serbia

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