[phys4phys] The Online SEENET-MTP Seminar starts on 19th January 2022

SEENET-MTP Office office at seenet-mtp.info
Mon Jan 17 21:06:53 CET 2022

Dear Colleagues,

it’s our pleasure to inform you that the SEENET-MTP Network will 
organize online monthly seminars.

SEENET-MTP seminar series on theoretical physics is aimed at providing 
review lectures for researchers, postdocs and students from the 
SEENET-MTP Countries, Europe and all over the world on topics in 
theoretical physics, mostly focusing on high energy physics.

The seminars and afterwards discussions will be zoom-based. The planned 
schedule is to have one seminar per month on Wednesday at 17:00 CET 
time. This may be occasionally slightly adjusted due to requests of 
speakers. The expected duration of seminars is about one hour plus some 
additional time for discussion. The Zoom link will be sent to all 
members of the SEENET-MTP Network and registered non-member participants.

The seminar series start on*Wednesday, January 19 2022, 17:00 CET. **
*"Searching for Ultralight Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves with Atom 
Interferometers" **
**John Ellis (Physics Department, King’s College London & CERN) **
*Abstract: *Following brief reviews of Dark Matter and Gravitational 
Waves, I will discuss atom interferometers and the prospects they offer 
for studying ultralight dark matter and gravitational waves in the 
deciHz range, focusing on the AION project in the UK and the AEDGE 
concept for an atom interferometer in space. These offer, in particular, 
the possibilities of observing the mergers of intermediate-mass black 
holes and a stochastic background due to a first-order phase transition 
in the early Universe or cosmic strings. I will also discuss the other 
scientific and practical opportunities in time-keeping and earth 
observation offered by cold atoms in space.

More information about the seminar and registration form for non-members 
is available at the website of the 

We would kindly ask you to share this announcement with your colleagues.

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