[phys4phys] Seminar Katedre za astronomiju - 31. oktobar 2023.

Katedra za astronomiju astronom at poincare.matf.bg.ac.rs
Mon Oct 23 15:21:47 CEST 2023

                     Seminar iz astronomije i astrofizike

                               Dr Vibor Jelic
              (Institut Rudjer Boskovic, Zavod za eksperimentalnu fiziku,
        Laboratorija za astrocesticnu fiziku i astrofiziku, Zagreb, Hrvatska)

        "Exploring the interstellar medium and magnetic fields of the Milky Way
                               at low-radio frequencies"

           utorak, 31. oktobar 2023. godine, u 18 sati, u ucionici 809.


     Faculty of Mathematics
     University of Belgrade

     Studentski trg 16
     11000 Belgrade

   phone:     ++ 381 11 2027 827

   fax:       ++ 381 11 2630 151

   e-mail:    astronom at matf.bg.ac.rs

   internet:  http://astro.matf.bg.ac.rs

   skype:     dept_of_astro

   twitter:   http://twitter.com/#!/dept_of_astro

   facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/astro.math.rs

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