[phys4phys] Group for Gravitation, Particle and Fields seminar, Friday 27 October 2023

dgocanin dgocanin at ipb.ac.rs
Mon Oct 23 21:31:34 CEST 2023

Dear colleagues,

You are cordially invited to the seminar of the Group for Gravitation, 
Particles and Fields, which will be held on Friday, 27 October 2023, at 
11:00 at the Institute of Physics, lecture hall 360.

The talk entitled

Note on asymptotic symmetry of massless scalar field at null infinity

will be given by Dejan Simić (Institute of Physics, Zemun).

Abstract: Since ten years ago, we have known that the memory effect, 
soft theorem and asymptotic symmetry at null infinity are mutually 
equivalent. Any massless field has its soft theorem, including a 
massless scalar field, so we expect the
asymptotic symmetry associated with the massless scalar case to be 
present also. We will try to understand the asymptotic symmetry of a 
massless scalar field at null infinity. In order to make sense of 
asymptotic symmetry for theory without gauge symmetry, we slightly 
generalize the notion of asymptotic symmetry. Derivations of the results 
are done in two different ways, using Hamiltonian analysis and using 
covariant phase space. Along the way, we will explain the necessary 
concepts, such as asymptotic symmetry, Hamiltonian analysis and 
covariant phase space.


Time: October 27, 2023 11:00 Belgrade

Institute of Physics, lecture hall 360, 2nd floor

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Best regards,

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